It means that there is an operator state which has no corresponding operator in 
the new job. It usually indicates that the uid of a stateful operator has 

> 在 2019年10月25日,下午4:12,<> <> 写道:
> Thanks for your reply.
> Our sources and sinks are connected to Kafka, therefore they are statful.
> We did not set uid on them but only name().
> The log says
> Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to rollback to 
> checkpoint/savepoint 
> file:/var/flink/data-remote/savepoint-000000-dae014102550 
> <file://///var/flink/data-remote/savepoint-000000-dae014102550>. Cannot map 
> checkpoint/savepoint state for operator 484df1f961bd0cff95fd39b290ba9c03 to 
> the new program, because the operator is not available in the new program. If 
> you want to allow to skip this, you can set the --allowNonRestoredState 
> option on the CLI.
> Regards,
> Min
> From: Dian Fu [] 
> Sent: Freitag, 25. Oktober 2019 10:04
> To: Tan, Min
> Cc: John Smith; user
> Subject: [External] Re: Does operator uid() have to be unique across all jobs?
> Hi Min,
> It depends on the source/sink implementation. If the source/sink 
> implementation uses state, uid should be set. So you can always set the uid 
> in this case and then you don't need to care about the implementation details 
> of the source/sink you used.
> name() doesn't have such functionality.
> Regarding to the uid mismatch you encountered, could you share the exception 
> log? 
> Regards,
> Dian
> 在 2019年10月25日,下午3:38, <> 写道:
> Thank you very much for your helpful response.
> Our new production release complains about the an uid mismatch (we use 
> exactly once checkpoints).
> I hope I understand  your correctly: map and print are certainly stateless, 
> therefore no uid is required. What about addSink and addSoure? Do they need 
> an uid? Or a name() has a similar function?
> Regards,
> Min
> From: Dian Fu [ <>] 
> Sent: Freitag, 25. Oktober 2019 03:52
> To: Tan, Min
> Cc: John Smith; user
> Subject: [External] Re: Does operator uid() have to be unique across all jobs?
> Hi Min,
> The uid is used to matching the operator state stored in the 
> checkpoint/savepoint to an operator[1]. So you only need to specify the uid 
> for stateful operators.
> 1) If you have not specified the uid for an operator, it will generate a uid 
> for it in a deterministic way[2] for it. The generated uid doesn't change for 
> the same job.
> 2) However, it's encouraged to set uid for stateful operators to allow for 
> job evolution. The dynamically generated uid is not guaranteed to remain the 
> same if the job has changed, i.e. adding/removing operators in the job graph. 
> If you want to reuse state after job evolution, you need to set the uid 
> explicitly.
> So for the example you give, I think you don't need to specify the uid for 
> the map and print operator.
> [1] 
> <>
> [2] 
> <>
> 在 2019年10月24日,下午11:22, <> 写道:
> Hi,
> I have some simple questions on the uid as well.
> 1)      Do we add a uid for every operator e.g. print(), addSink and 
> addSource?
> 2)      For chained operators, do we need to uids for each operator? Or just 
> the last operator?
> e.g. .map(....).uid("some-id").print().uid("print-id");
> Regards,
> Min
> From: John Smith [ 
> <>] 
> Sent: Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2019 16:32
> To: Dian Fu
> Cc: user
> Subject: [External] Re: Does operator uid() have to be unique across all jobs?
> Ok cool. Thanks
> BTW this seems a bit cumbersome...
> .map(....).uid("some-id").name("some-id");
> On Wed, 23 Oct 2019 at 21:13, Dian Fu < 
> <>> wrote:
> Yes, you can use it in another job. The uid needs only to be unique within a 
> job.
> > 在 2019年10月24日,上午5:42,John Smith < 
> > <>> 写道:
> > 
> > When setting uid() of an operator does it have to be unique across all jobs 
> > or just unique within a job?
> > 
> > For example can I use env.addSource(myKafkaConsumer).uid("kafka-consumer") 
> > in another job?
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