Thanks Yang for your help.

On Thu, Feb 4, 2021, 8:28 AM Yang Wang <> wrote:

> Yes, if you are using the CLI(e.g. flink run/list/cancel -t yarn-session
> ...) for the job management,
> it will eventually call the RestClusterClient, which could retrieve the
> leader JobManager address from ZK.
> Please ensure that you have specified the HA related config options in CLI
> via -D or set them in the flink-conf.yaml.
> Best,
> Yang
> sidhant gupta <> 于2021年2月3日周三 下午10:02写道:
>> Is it possible to use flink CLI instead of flink client for connecting
>> zookeeper using network load balancer to retrieve the leader Jobmanager
>> address?
>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2021, 12:42 PM Yang Wang <> wrote:
>>> I think the Flink client could make a connection with ZooKeeper via the
>>> network load balancer.
>>> Flink client is not aware of whether it is a network balancer or
>>> multiple ZooKeeper server address.
>>> After then Flink client will retrieve the active leader JobManager
>>> address via ZooKeeperHAService
>>> and submit the job successfully via rest client.
>>> Best,
>>> Yang
>>> sidhant gupta <> 于2021年2月2日周二 下午11:14写道:
>>>> Hi
>>>> I have a flink ECS cluster setup with HA mode using zookeeper where I
>>>> have 2 jobmanagers out of which one of will be elected as leader using
>>>> zookeeper leader election. I have one application load balancer in front of
>>>> the jobmanagers and one network load balancer in front of zookeeper.
>>>> As per [1]
>>>> <>
>>>>  ,
>>>> we can provide zookeeper address in the flink cli arguments and it would
>>>> upload/ submit the jar to the leader jobmanager. But since I am using
>>>> network load balancer in front of zookeeper, I guess it is not able to make
>>>> connection with the zookeeper. Please provide suggestions or sample command
>>>> for uploading the flink job jar or run the job.
>>>> Is  there any way by which we can distinguish between leader and
>>>> standby jobmanagers in terms of request or response ?
>>>> Can we use flink cli in jenkins to upload the jar to the flink cluster
>>>> and run the jobs?
>>>> [1]
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Sidhant Gupta

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