Thank you~

Xintong Song

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Xintong Song <>
Date: Fri, May 6, 2022 at 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Discuss] Creating an Apache Flink slack workspace
To: private <>
Cc: Chesnay Schepler <>

Hi Chesnay,

Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't find this is *repeatedly* discussed on the
ML. The only discussions I find are [1] & [2], which are 4 years ago. On
the other hand, I do find many users are asking questions about whether
Slack should be supported [2][3][4]. Besides, I also find a recent
discussion thread from ComDev [5], where alternative communication channels
are being discussed. It seems to me ASF is quite open to having such
additional channels and they have been worked well for many projects

I see two reasons for brining this discussion again:
1. There are indeed many things that have change during the past 4 years.
We have more contributors, including committers and PMC members, and even
more users from various organizations and timezones. That also means more
discussions and Q&As are happening.
2. The proposal here is different from the previous discussion. Instead of
maintaining a channel for Flink in the ASF workspace, here we are proposing
to create a dedicated Apache Flink slack workspace. And instead of *moving*
the discussion to Slack, we are proposing to add a Slack Workspace as an
addition to the ML.

Below is your opinions that I found from your previous -1 [1]. IIUR, these
are all about the using ASF Slack Workspace. If I overlooked anything,
please let me know.

> 1. According to INFRA-14292 <
>> the ASF Slack isn't
> run by the ASF. This alone puts this service into rather questionable
> territory as it /looks/ like an official ASF service. If anyone can provide
> information to the contrary, please do so.

2. We already discuss things on the mailing lists, JIRA and GitHub. All of
> these are available to the public, whereas the slack channel requires an
> @apache mail address, i.e. you have to be a committer. This minimizes the
> target audience rather significantly. I would much rather prefer something
> that is also available to contributors.

I do agree this should be decided by the whole community. I'll forward this
to dev@ and user@ ML.

Thank you~

Xintong Song


On Fri, May 6, 2022 at 3:05 PM Chesnay Schepler <> wrote:

> This has been repeatedly discussed on the ML over the years and was
> rejected every time.
> I don't see that anything has changed that would invalidate the previously
> raised arguments against it, so I'm still -1 on it.
> This is also not something the PMC should decide anyway, but the project
> as a whole.
> On 06/05/2022 06:48, Jark Wu wrote:
> Thank Xintong, for starting this exciting topic.
> I think Slack would be an essential addition to the mailing list.
> I have talked with some Flink users, and they are surprised
> Flink doesn't have Slack yet, and they would love to use Slack.
> We can also see a trend that new open-source communities
> are using Slack as the community base camp.
> Slack is also helpful for brainstorming and asking people for opinions and
> use cases.
> I think Slack is not only another place for Q&A but also a connection to
> the Flink users.
> We can create more channels to make the community have more social
> attributes, for example,
>  - Share ideas, projects, integrations, articles, and presentations
> related to Flink in the #shows channel
>  - Flink releases, events in the #news channel
> Thus, I'm +1 to create an Apache Flink slack, and I can help set up the
> Flink slack and maintain it.
> Best,
> Jark
> On Fri, 6 May 2022 at 10:38, Xintong Song <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I’d like to start a discussion on creating an Apache Flink slack
>> workspace.
>> ## Motivation
>> Today many organizations choose to do real time communication through
>> slack. IMHO, we, Flink, as a technique for real time computing, should
>> embrace the more real time way for communication, especially for ad-hoc
>> questions and interactions. With more and more contributors from different
>> organizations joining this community, it would be good to provide a common
>> channel for such real time communications. Therefore, I'd propose to create
>> an Apache Flink slack workspace that is maintained by the Flink PMC.
>> ## Benefits
>> - Easier to reach out to people. Messages are less likely overlooked.
>> - Realtime messages, voice / video calls, file transmissions that help
>> improve the communication efficiency.
>> - Finer-grained channels (e.g., flink-ml, flink-statefun, temporal
>> discussion channels for specific topics, etc.).
>> ## Relationship with the mailing lists
>> I think the slack workspace should be an extension rather than a
>> replacement of the mailing lists. Community members should still be able to
>> follow what’s going on from solely the mailing lists. That means:
>> a) All the decisions, conclusions and important opinions should be
>> reflected back to the mailing lists. After all, according to the Apache
>> Way, if it didn’t happen on a mailing list, it didn’t happen.
>> b) We should encourage people to only ask ad hoc questions on slack. Long
>> conversations (or ad hoc questions that grow long) should be posted on the
>> mailing lists, and can be referenced on slack for a real time discussion.
>> ## Responsiveness
>> Using slack does not mean people being pinged need to be responsive. We
>> are in an open-sourced community where all contributors are volunteers.
>> Slack should be used to make communication easier only when all the peers
>> are convenient. We should make it clear that people should not expect
>> others to always be responsive.
>> ## Archivability and searchability
>> One of the shortcomings that Slack is often mentioned with is its lack of
>> capability to archive conversations and to search among them. There are
>> various tools that help address this problem[1]. As a first step, we may
>> start with simply relying on reflecting things back to the mailing lists.
>> IMHO, if everything important is properly reflected back to the mailing
>> lists, we don’t really need the archivability and searchability.
>> ## Other communities
>> AFAIK, there are many popular open-source projects (Apache hosted or not)
>> that have their own Slack workspace: AirFlow [2], IceBerg [3], HBase [4]
>> etc.
>> To name the Slack workspace with Apache Flink, we would need an official
>> vote and approval from the PMC members. But before we get to that, I’d like
>> to hear more about what you think.
>> Thank you~
>> Xintong Song
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]

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