
There is a ZLIB vulnerability reported by the official National
Vulnerability Database. This vulnerability causes memory corruption while
deflating with ZLIB version less than 1.2.12.
Here is the link for details...


*How is it linked to Flink?: *
In the Flink statebackend rocksdb, there is ZLIB version 1.2.11 is used as
part of the .so file. Hence, there is vulnerability exposure here.

*Flink code details/links:*
I am seeing the latest Flink code base where the statebackend rocksdb
library *(frocksdbjni)* is coming from Ververica. The pom.xml dependency
snapshot is here







When I see the frocksdbjni code base, the makefile is pointing to
ZLIB_VER=1.2.11. This ZLIB version is vulnerable as per the NVD.



- This vulnerability is marked as HIGH severity. How is it addressed at the
Flink/Flink Stateback RocksDb? If not now, is there any plan in the coming
days to address this?

- As the Statebackend RocksDb is coming from Ververica, I am not seeing any
latest artifacts published from them. As per the Maven Repository, the
latest version is 6.20.3-ververica-1.0
this is the one used in the Flink code base.


If this needs to be fixed, is there any plan from Ververica to address this

- From the Flink user perspective, it is not simple to make the changes to
.so file locally. How are the Flink user companies addressing this
vulnerability as it needs changes to the .SO file?

Overall, my main question to the community is, how to address this
vulnerability issue as this is coming as a high severity blocking issue to
our product.

Please provide the inputs/suggestions at the earliest.

Vidya Sagar.

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