The Web Maestro wrote:
On May 23, 2005, at 4:48 PM, The Web Maestro wrote:

On May 23, 2005, at 4:22 PM, Ross Gardler wrote:

The Web Maestro wrote:

Thanks... Yeah... what we have is what's shown in the skinconf.xml for a fresh 'seed' site:
<toc max-depth="2" min-sections="3" location="page"/>
Unfortunately, we remain with an FAQ page which doesn't generate a TOC.
I'd suspect that somehow the faq.xml file is malformed, however I suspect that would generate a validate-xdocs error...

For testing purposes try copying your faq.xml over the one in a seed site and see if it works, also try copying the seed site faq into your project directory. Does that work?

This will at least help us to narrow down the problem.


Thanks for the suggestion! It looks like it works this way... (of course it gives errors for all the references to xml-fop pages ;-))...

Just to be clear, the FAQ generates a TOC when I copy the file faq.xml to a fresh seed site's src/documentation/content/xdocs/faq.xml location. I could then manually copy the 'content' to an empty page (so I get the 'skin'), which is not preferred, but doable.

If you faq.xml works in a seeded site then there must be some difference between the fresh-site skinconf.xml and your sites skinconf.xml that is preventing the TOC being generated.

Perhaps creating a diff between these two files will show the problem (post it here if you can't see it, new eyes may help).
