The Web Maestro wrote:
> I'm having a problem generating the table of Contents for our FAQs...
> I thought, perhaps the problem was related to the DOCTYPE for our  
> faq.xml:
> "*checkout*/xml-forrest/src/core/ 
> context/resources/schema/dtd/faq-v12.dtd">
> But again, the Forrest faq.xml file appears to have the same DOCTYPE.  
> faq.xml also appears to have the same structure. I'd rather not move to  
> the v20 DTD if possible.

No it doesn't. Our faq.xml for both 0.6 and 0.7 uses FAQ 1.2 DTD.
I don't know if that makes any difference for you.

I will try to add your FAQ to another site and see what
your problems are. However, i am not sure if i have the
correct file. Is this it? ...

Also, please do not point directly to the specific URLs on the website
for the DTDs. It will actually have no effect, because the entity resolver
will use the PUBLIC Identifer anyway. But we don't want to confuse
other people.
