Cyriaque Dupoirieux wrote:
Ferdinand Soethe a écrit :

This is untested, but would be where I would start experimenting and I'm
pretty sure is close to correct (maybe even correct ;-).

Thanks Ross, that was exactly what I was looking for. I just didn't
know where to intercept. Will give it a try right away ...


   I made this in my php pipeline :

   <!-- PHP Documentation -->
   <map:match type="regexp" pattern="^(.*?)([^/]*).php$">
     <map:generate src="cocoon://{1}{2}.html"/>
     <map:transform src="resources/stylesheets/php/document2php.xsl"/>
     <map:serialize type="html"/>

What does document2php.xsl do? Is this appraoch better for Ferdinand than the one I suggest?

And I realise with the cocoon profiler - thank you Ross - that it takes

(don't thank me for the profiler that was Ron and Davids excellent work - and the Cocoon community of course)

lot of time to call the <map:generate src="cocoon://{1}{2}.html"/> - and certainly lots of CPU because with dozens of php files I get an Out of Memory... -

It should take no longer to request cocoon//**.html that it does to request it via your browser. So the issue is not really with you approach to including PHP stuff, rather with the generaton of the original HTML stuff.

Are you using the locationmap to retrieve remote files in this request?
