I crosschecked that by increasing maxmemory to 256Meg to no avail. This seems not to be related to FOR-591 but is a plain recursion:

at org.apache.cocoon.environment.wrapper.EnvironmentWrapper.getAttribute(EnvironmentWrapper.java:228) at org.apache.cocoon.environment.wrapper.MutableEnvironmentFacade.getAttribute(MutableEnvironmentFacade.java:176) at org.apache.cocoon.environment.wrapper.EnvironmentWrapper.getAttribute(EnvironmentWrapper.java:228) at org.apache.cocoon.environment.wrapper.MutableEnvironmentFacade.getAttribute(MutableEnvironmentFacade.java:176)

which ends in an OutOfMemoryException.

The possibility is that cocoon is not handling the given situation gracefully. Since the stacktrace occcupies 128 kb I currently refrain from posting it here.

Citing from the docs:

"If a project has a sitemap.xmap file in it's documentation dir, that gets mounted automatically by Forrest and becomes part of the processing: it is a preprocessing step, and is the first one to handle the request."

I am suspecting that there is a subtle difference in the handling of a project sitemap vs. handling of the forrest sitemap. The exception above seems more like the symptom than the cause of the problem.

Any ideas?



Ross Gardler wrote:
Torsten Stolpmann wrote:

while enabling a similar modification in the project sitemap I consistently run into OutOfMemory exceptions. I am using forrest 0.7 with the war option.

There is a memory leak in Cocoon that is affecting Forrest. The workaround is to set the maxmemory of the JVM in forrest.properties to a higher value.

If you want to track this issue then add yourself to the watchlist on the issue at http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FOR-591 (it is scheduled to be fixed for the next release).
