On 12/26/05, Torsten Stolpmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> while enabling a similar modification in the project sitemap I
> consistently run into OutOfMemory exceptions. I am using forrest 0.7
> with the war option.
> As a crosscheck I copied an existing, unmodified forrest sitemap.xmap
> into the documentation folder which gives me exactly the same results.

I would imagine that would lead to some strange results.  Since this
is where project sitemaps are mounted, it's probably just continuously
mounting itself.

> When applying my intended changes to the forrest sitemap.xmap i am able
> to achieve what i want. Any attempt to incorporate those changes in the
> project sitemap fails with OutOfMemory Exceptions.
> What am I doing wrong here? What parts of the original sitemap.xmap
> would I need to implement in the project sitemap?
> My current assumptions are:
> <map:match pattern="*.html">...
> <map:match pattern="**/*.html">...
> And (out of necessity, cocoon would else complain about the missing
> resource definition):
>    <map:resources>
>      <map:resource name="skinit">...

Have you tried using what Thorsten posted in the other thread and
changing cocoon:/ to cocoon://  ?  By using cocoon:// it should go all
the way back to the root sitemap looking for the match and not need
copying into the project sitemap.

I wonder if you can send your attempt at the project sitemap and let
someone have a look?
