Milind Parikh wrote:
My intent is NOT to start a flame war. I am just stating my opinion in this post.

I am not really expecting anything (except some answers to the occasional 'dufus' questions). I am quite willing to remove the copyright thing on the Forrest documentation if that helps anyone.

If you don't need to restrict reproduction then I would recomend using a creative commons license. Better still (for us) contribute the docs to the project. In both cases you will retain the original copyrights.

We can expand on this part of the discussion when you have written stuff. We don't want to distract you right now.

Yet.... Apache Forrest is relatively unknown.

This is partly because we are a small community and are deliberately avoiding publicity because we are still a 0.8-dev product and can't support too many users and feature requests. What we need are contributors.

Of course, that includes doc contributors ;-)

Apache Forrest has given a lot to me in the last month (even if I just lurked in the mailing lists and the documentation). I would like to give something back.

Glad you found the tool useful, we look forward to reading your docs.
