El sáb, 31-12-2005 a las 09:41 +0000, Milind Parikh escribió:
> I am sold on Forrest !! I will be writing about Apache Forrest on 
> www.milindparikh.com. milindparikh.com is powered through Apache Forrest. I 
> would like to have five-six chapters on Forrest. 

Nice. :)

> This is the proposed 
> format...

My problem is and I guess I am not alone, that I do not understand the
described formats. 

> 1. 30 second pitch on Forrest (want this to be a slide show... just cannot 
> get s5slides to work).
> 2. One hour Teach A Man To Fish (TAMTF) series on Forrest
> 3. One Day Deep Immersion (ODDI) series on Forrest

What do you want to describe there? No clue what TAMTF, ODDI, ... will
show, so really hard to comment on this.

> 4. Internationalization with Forrest

Ross already pointed to Helena, she is working on internalization for
her use case and I guess she may already helped with her recent
mails. ;-)

> 5. Plugin Development with Forrest

like David already said, we prefer to have the documentation on our
website, but how about sending patches to the existing documentation.

> I should be done with these chapters by January 15th. Any suggestions are 
> welcome !

I would suggest to you, to give the forrest user your own point of view.
Like a how I did I wrote this webpage with forrest. I guess that is a
nice addition to the existing forrest documentation. 

...and surely I prefer that you can provide patches to the official
documentation, so the whole project can use them under the same licenses
like the rest of forrest.

> Please feel free to browse through the first chapter of Maven 1.x.x. More 
> chapters on Maven soon. Maven2 is in a real physical book form coming to a 
> bookstore near you.


All the best to this nice online books.


"Together we stand, divided we fall!" 
Hey you (Pink Floyd)