
I am having trouble getting a Japanese XML document to display
properly in PDF form.

I set up the basic site that comes with Apache Forrest.  The only
changes I made were to add the docbook dtd (v4.4) and the docbook
stylesheets from sourceforge and change the sitemap accordingly.  I
then added a docbook file with Japanese text to the samples directory.
 I followed the directions here:
http://www.terra-intl.com/agel/2005/11/forrest_japanese.html.  Then
when I run Forrest, the html document is generated correctly, but the
PDF still has ####### instead of Japanese text.  (New English XML
files display fine both in HTML and PDF format.)

Any ideas as to where I'm going wrong, or how I might start to debug?

Other info:
Mac OS 10.5.6
Java 1.5.0_16
Forrest 0.8
