Intriguing problem..  Could the Geronimo process still be running but is just inaccessible?  You can check by waiting until the server has seemingly terminated and then type :

ps -ef | grep geronimo

If you see something like :

username  4589     1 11 13:41 pts/2    00:00:39 /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_10/bin/java -Djava.endorsed.dirs= -Dorg.apache.geronimo.base.dir [remainder truncated by me]

then geronimo may have become inaccessible due to, perhaps, an IP address change (thanks to Leigh Williamson for this suggestion).

As a test of this theory I changed the IP address on my redhat linux system and was still able to access the admin console. But command line utilities such as and no longer worked:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] geronimo-1.0]$ bin/ list-modules
    Error: Unable to connect to server at deployer:geronimo:jmx --
    javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: JMXConnector

Best wishes,

On 1/16/06, Qingtian Wang <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

I am running on Fedora as a normal user. Once started, the server runs
fine until the next day, it is stopped with no clear warning in the
geronomo.out log file. How can I keep the server alive all the time.
Do I have to be a root user when starting the server?


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