Oh, just a detail for those who would like to do this too. I included the following lines in the geronimo-application.xml (cause it's a ejb that does the sql connection with Jaybird):

    <dep:dependency xmlns:dep=" http://geronimo.apache.org/xml/ns/deployment-1.0">

Olivier Voutat

On 2/17/06, Olivier Voutat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Aaron,

This worked perfectly, but now I have a little problem....u made me get curious about using a database pool... u see I'm a student of computer sciences in Brazil and we use Java as our main programming language. Our teacher uses JBoss, and since I knew Geronimo now I call it JBosta (meaning Jshit, sorry the word)...

I easily create the database pool but how should I configure my ejb to be able to use it ?

David, the tip that Aaron gaved me is very easy to use and works perfectly for Jaybird for simple connections.


On 2/17/06, Aaron Mulder < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Ah, I see...  If you don't want to use the connection pool then the
technique is a little different.  You need a <dependency> element in
the Geronimo deployment plan for your J2EE module (e.g.
geronimo-web.xml for a web app).

If you want to know exactly what the dependency element should look
like you can go through the database pool screen in the console just
like you did and then after you test it hit "Show Plan" instead of
deploying the pool, and just take the <depenency> element from out of
that plan, and put it in the plan for your J2EE module instead.  It's
not necessary to go through the console this way, but it'll give you
somethign to copy and paste exactly.  :)  Anyway, it'll be something
like this, depending on exactly where you put it in the repository:



On 2/17/06, Olivier Voutat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi again,
>  For those who doesn't know, I'm trying to establish a connection between my
> J2EE application and Firebird Database using Jaybird-2.0.1JDK_1.5.zip
> http://firebird.sourceforge.net/index.php?op=files&id=jaybird
>  (yeah,yeah, I know that Geronimo is only certified for J2EE 1.4 but so far
> it hasn't be a big issue).
>  Extra information: The application that I'm testing already worked under
> Geronimo using a connection to Firebird through unixODBC without a database
> pool.
>  Thanks everybody who replied. Didn't understand very well your .rar issue
> David, but anyway here is my situation:
>  I wasn't trying to create a database pool to do a connection (it is really
> necessary ?).
>  I was trying to make the jaybird-full-2.0.1.jar avaliable to my J2EE.
>  Current situation, I created a database pool connection with the Database
> Type "Other".
>  In the next config page I put:
>  JDBC Driver Class: org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
> Driver JAR: jaybird-full-2.0.1.jar (deployed in the repository trough the
> common libraries page)
> JDBC Connect URL:
> jdbc:firebirdsql:localhost/3050:/firebirdData/mydatabase.fdb
>  DB User Name: *******
>  DB Password: *******
>  After that I did a "Test Connection" and no problem alert was given so I
> deployed it.
>  Deployed my application and it stills gives me the message
> ClassNotFoundException...
>  Olivier Voutat
> On 2/17/06, David Jencks < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > On Feb 16, 2006, at 6:22 PM, Olivier Voutat wrote:
> >
> > > I'm not getting how to install the driver to make this one
> > > avaliable to my applications in Geronimo. Tried many ways, and
> > > can't find a way that makes it works. Didn't find any documents
> > > about it neither.
> > >
> > > Can somebody help me about it ?
> >
> > I tried deploying the latest rar from the downloads, but it has a
> > problem in ra.xml (see firebird issue 1433327).  I fixed the problem
> > in firebird cvs, so if you build the rar yourself it will work.
> > (I'll also send you a copy privately).  If you want to use something
> > closer to the current release, you need to change in ra.xml
> >
> >        <credential-
> >
> interface>javax.resource.security.PasswordCredential</credential-
> > interface>
> > to
> >        <credential-
> >
> interface>javax.resource.spi.security.PasswordCredential</credential-
> > interface>
> >
> > and repack the rar.
> >
> > Anyway, after obtaining a correct rar, you can modify the plan I will
> > also send privately to suit your environment and deploy to a running
> > server using
> >
> > java -jar target/geronimo- 1.1-SNAPSHOT/bin/deployer.jar --user system
> > --password manager deploy jaybird-2.1.0.rar jaybird-plan.xml
> >
> > This deployed OK for me but I don't have a firebird installation
> > handy so I don't know if there are other problems.  Please let me
> > know of your progress, I would like there to be a wiki page on using
> > firebird/jaybird with Geronimo.
> >
> > If anyone else would like a copy of the plan I can perhaps get
> > started on the wiki page and attach it there.
> >
> > thanks
> > david jencks
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Olivier
> >
> >
> --
> Olivier & Cidiane Voutat
> Rua Praia de Muriú, 9188
> Cep 59092-390 / Natal - RN
> Tel: (84) 3219-0427 Cel: (84) 9977-3917


Olivier & Cidiane Voutat
Rua Praia de Muriú, 9188
Cep 59092-390 / Natal - RN
Tel: (84) 3219-0427 Cel: (84) 9977-3917

Olivier & Cidiane Voutat
Rua Praia de Muriú, 9188
Cep 59092-390 / Natal - RN
Tel: (84) 3219-0427 Cel: (84) 9977-3917

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