There's something rather fundamental missing in the AXIS2 description: how does one remove/undeploy an .aar file? The admin page doesn't offer any unload or remove link. There is an "inactivate service" link (btw: shouldn't that be "deactivate ..."?), but that apparently only kind of "freezes" the service (until one activates it again), but doesn't remove it.

How do I get rid of a service, such that it's gone and/or such that I can deploy a new version of the same?

I have changed my .aar file after first deployment and I have "uploaded" it again using the admin page (and the page told me "successful") but when I send a request I get an error that obviously still stems from the old version (I can definitely tell so, because some package names changed and the stack trace still shows the old names).

I must have missed something pretty trivial here, I suppose...


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