hi together,


I have been working with the JOnAS Java 2 EE application server for about 5
years now, meanwhile

I have several projects, one of them is rather big already, it contains
about 60-70 EJB's, two thirds

of them are CMP/CMR'ed entity beans, the rest stateless session beans.


I am thinking about migrating these projects to Geronimo for some months
now, and I decided to

wait for the first Java EE 5 release of Geronimo (Geronimo 2) - as it will
be released within the 

near future I would be interested in which migration strategies you could


I think the most problematic part will be to migrate the ca. 50 CMP entity
beans, there are a lot

of EJB-QL finders and all of those beans are inter-related with CMR. 


Currently I'm thinking of doing a "soft" migration, i.e. migrating 1 by 1 of
those EB's within the

currenty architecture from CMP to hibernate, and after that performing the
move to Geronimo (which will

mean that then only the session beans will have to be migrated which should
be less problematic).


what do you think about that?


Anybody already migrated large CMP/CMR apps to Geronimo?





virtually hanzz...


 <http://hanzz.zapto.org/> http://hanzz.zapto.org (personal)
 <http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~hansp> http://www.cse.dmu.ac.uk/~hansp




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