On Jan 25, 2007, at 1:47 AM, Hans J. Prueller wrote:


thank you for your thoughts. You provided good entry points for me. I mentioned hibernate specifically because

we already are using hibernate and CMP in parallel within our project (as CMP2.x sometimes does not fulfill all needs).

targeting JPA instead of hibernate specifically is essential –thank you for that.
If you can use hibernate in jpa mode, we will be able to support that.

I also would like to do a one-by-one migration because I am afraid if we would migrate the whole project at once,

everything could collapse. Doing smaller steps provides more control I think.

That is exactly why I wrote the OpenEjb 3 cmp engine on JPA, so beans can be migrated one at at time. Migrating a whole app all at once is just to risky.
>> However this would mean that you would need to start by generating the cmp2 mapping info.

so this is what should to be contained in the Geronimo deployment plan right? are deployment plans required also

in Geronimo2 ? (I think there shouldn’t be any more “vendor” specific DDs in Java EE 5). But for compatibility reasons
They won't be required, but vendor-DD less deployment is fully implemented yet. You can deploy an ejb module without any plans in 2.0-M2, but I don't you can deploy any other module types without a plan.
with my EJB2.1 CMP beans I think I won’t come around to provide a mapping file at all ;-)
For OpenEJB3 we use a standard JPA entity-mapping.xml file for the mappings.
I asked about XDoclet support for Geronimo some months ago, at that point in time there was no usable version around.

As Java 2 EE 1.4 requires Java 1.4 I cannot work with annotations unless the whole app is migrated, so XDoclet would

be of great help…?

J2ee 1.4 requires java 1.4+.  You can run in Java5 if you want.


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