Hello all,

I have some problems using openJPA with Geronimo V2 (M6RC1). The application 
(stateless session beans and entity beans) is written in EJB3-Style
using only annotations (persistence.xml is the only descriptor) and is deployed 
When trying to fetch some data the following exception is thrown

23:38:42,637 ERROR [OpenEJB] The bean instances business method encountered a 
system exception: Could not locate metadata for the class using alias "Person". 
This could mean that the OpenJPA enhancer or load-time weaver was not run on 
the type whose alias is "Person". Registered alias mappings: "{Person=null}"
<1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT fatal user error> 
org.apache.openjpa.persistence.ArgumentException: Could not locate metadata for 
the class using alias "Person". This could mean that the OpenJPA enhancer or 
load-time weaver was not run on the type whose alias is "Person". Registered 
alias mappings: "{Person=null}"
("Person" is the name used in the @entity annotation for the entity bean.)

There are some other warnings before. But I do not really understand their 
importance and whether they are relying to the exception coming later.

First this one while deploying (coming a lot of times): 
23:31:35,979 WARN  [Runtime] The property named 
"openjpa.ClassTransformerOptions" was not recognized and will be ignored, 
although the name closely matches a valid property called 

Second this one while trying to fetch the data

23:38:41,410 WARN  [Enhance] An exception was thrown while attempting to 
perform class file transformation on 
<1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT nonfatal user error> 
org.apache.openjpa.util.UserException: Type 
"de.lama.sample3.stammdaten.ejb.PersonBean" attempts to use both field and 
property access. Only one access method is permitted.

This second warning seems strange to me because all used property getters are 
annotated and no private field has any annotation, so the access method
is clear.

Has someone an idea what's going wrong here?

Many thanks for any advice.

dbh Logistics IT AG

Michael Ueberbach
Software Management

Faulenstr. 31, 28195 Bremen

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