On 7/9/07, Ueberbach, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

23:38:42,637 ERROR [OpenEJB] The bean instances business method encountered
a system exception: Could not locate metadata for the class using alias
"Person". This could mean that the OpenJPA enhancer or load-time weaver was
not run on the type whose alias is "Person". Registered alias mappings:
First this one while deploying (coming a lot of times):
23:31:35,979 WARN  [Runtime] The property named
"openjpa.ClassTransformerOptions" was not recognized and will be ignored,
although the name closely matches a valid property called

Ignore it.

23:38:41,410 WARN  [Enhance] An exception was thrown while attempting to
perform class file transformation on

<1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT nonfatal user error>
org.apache.openjpa.util.UserException: Type
"de.lama.sample3.stammdaten.ejb.PersonBean" attempts to use
both field and property access. Only one access method is permitted.

That's the culprit. Could you publish the entity jar you deployed to
Geronimo. I think that Geronimo doesn't add much to it - OpenJPA (the
default JPA provider) can't do its job and complains and so does


Jacek Laskowski

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