On 7/10/07, Ueberbach, Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Jacek,

meanwhile I'm able to send the jar I deployed to geronimo. I attach it to this 
mail, sources should be included. Also the persistence.xml that is used.
As you can see I put @Basic annotations to all property getters explicitly 
(although I think this should be default) to make shure that access should be 
done by property (and not by field). Nevertheless this seems not be recognized 
by openJPA. It would be great if you have any idea why and what should be done.

Hi Michael,

I've just started looking into it, but thought I'd tell you that when
you use property-based access (via getters) you should not access the
entity state via instance fields.

You don't need to specify vendor element in the persistence.xml file.
Geronimo defaults to OpenJPA. According to the spec ( provider

The provider element must be specified if the application is dependent
upon a particular persistence provider being used.

You don't need to specify class elements in Java EE env (as opposed to
Java SE env). The container looks for other files unless
exclude-unlisted-classes element is specified (which is not the case
in your example).

See if that helps out. Going to spot other (mis)uses of the spec that
might cause the trouble.


Jacek Laskowski

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