On Jul 9, 2007, at 5:41 AM, MoleSon wrote:

I just saw, that I made an mistake when deploying the app: I forgot to update the deployment plan so that the typeconverter was not listed. This means:
deploying doesn't work at all.

I'm not quite sure exactly what you mean :-)

I'd guess that the class cast exception you got was due to the tranql TypeConverter being loaded in 2 classloaders. Offhand I can't see how this is happening. To investigate I would put a breakpoint where the class cast exception is happening and use inspection and evaluation capabilities of your IDE to investigate:
- which classloader A is loading your type converter
- which classloader B is loading TypeConverter
- the relationship between these classloaders
- what you get from
ClassLoader C = A.loadClass(TypeConverter.class.getName ()).getClassLoader() I think that if B == C then you should not get a CCE and if B != C you will get a CCE. Knowing what all these classloaders are and how they are related should help figure out what is going on.

@Gianny: there is no MultiParentClassLoader, but there is a variable called
cl which is a JarFileClassLoader and the id of this one is:

That's the multiparent classloader :-)

I also tried out geronimo 2.0 but when I deploy my app, i get a
NullPointerException without any serious information why it is thrown. I also was not able to make eclipse debug geronimo 2.0 so I'll stay with to
1.1 version for now and need to get my problems fixed there.

I think we'd appreciate more information about what went wrong with 2.0. Was there a stack trace? Maybe in the geronimo.log? If you can share a sample app showing the problem that would be excellent.

What went wrong when you tried to debug geronimo 2.0 in eclipse? I haven't had any problems using Intellij IDEA.

david jencks

MoleSon wrote:

I managed to deploy my application now by adding the tranql jar to my ear file, but this threw up a bunch of new errors now, so i'll follow your
suggestion to update to the new geronimo version ;)

Manu George wrote:

I remember facing a similar issue and I think that there is a bug with the TypeConverter stuff in OpenEJB. I would second Gianny's advice to use Geronimo 2.0 and OEJB 3.0 and get back if there are issues there.


On 7/5/07, Gianny Damour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 05/07/2007, at 10:34 PM, MoleSon wrote:

Could not deploy module
org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: Could not deploy
Caused by: org.apache.geronimo.common.DeploymentException: Cannot
type converter mypackage.MyTypeConverter
      ... 32 more
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: mypackage.MyTypeConverter
      ... 33 more

I had a look at the geronimo source code and notices that the
Exception is
thrown at these lines in the ScemataBuilder:
Class typeConverterClass = cl.loadClass (mapping.getTypeConverter
typeConverter = (TypeConverter) typeConverterClass.newInstance();
catch(Exception e)
throw new DeploymentException("Cannot create type converter " +
mapping.getTypeConverter(), e);

It is hard to diagnostic. Could you please put a breakpoint after
cl.loadClass and tell us what the value of MultiParentClassLoader.id
is? Also, I strongly recommend you to migrate to the latest version
of Geronimo/OpenEJB, which uses OpenJPA as the underlying persistence
framework for CMPs. This migration should be "effortless" as you do
not need to change your OpenEJB deployment descriptors. Furthermore, you will also be able to leverage the simplified programming model of


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