Hi David, 


Yeah..you are spot on..it worked in g 1.1.1 by the lib/classes.jar


Thanks a lot.

Warm Regards,
Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri


From: David Jencks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 8:54 PM
To: user@geronimo.apache.org
Subject: Re: manifest classloader issue



On Sep 6, 2007, at 8:18 AM, Anshuk Chinmoy Pal Chaudhuri wrote:

Hi Kevin,


I did try on Geronimo 2.0.1, it did work on that, but I have to make it
work on 1.1.1. Is there any workaround?


I think it worked on 2.0.1 because anything in the ear lib directory
(lib by default) is added to the ear classloader, not because of your
manifest classpath entry which I think should be lib/classes.jar.



david jencks



        Warm Regards,
        Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri


        From: Anshuk Chinmoy Pal Chaudhuri
        Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 8:25 PM
        To: user@geronimo.apache.org
        Subject: RE: manifest classloader issue


        Hi Kevin,


        I will definitely take care of your request going further on.


        Manifest.mf content


        Manifest-Version: 1.0

        Class-Path: ../lib/classes.jar


        No, I haven't tried on 2.0.1, we have to work on Geronimo 1.1.1,
that is what the requirement is.



        Warm Regards,
        Anshuk Pal Chaudhuri


        From: Kevan Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 8:14 PM
        To: user@geronimo.apache.org
        Subject: Re: manifest classloader issue



        One request -- please use "New Message" to start a new email
thread, rather than using "Reply" and editing the subject.


        More below...


        On Sep 6, 2007, at 9:50 AM, Anshuk Chinmoy Pal Chaudhuri wrote:




        I am trying to deploy a connector rar from inside the ear on
Geronimo 1.1.1. The connector ra.xml file refers to all the classes like
the activationspec-class and so on. If I put the jar (containing all
these classes), just directly under the connector rar, the the ear is
deploying properly, but when  I try to put the jar inside
deployable.ear\lib  and mention the jar path in the manifest.mf of the
connector.rar (..\lib\classes.jar) ..it gives class not found (which is
there in the jar)

        Rather that providing your own version of spec classes, I
recommend you use Geronimo's supplied specs via dependencies, instead.


        What is the contents of your Manifest.mf? Have you tried this on
Geronimo 2.0.1? 



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