On Jan 7, 2008 8:55 PM, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You can "distribute" using the command line or uncheck the "start
> app" box in the console deploy screen, but this will only get
> load="false" into config.xml.  If you start the app, then you'll get
> load="true", which will result in starting the app when you start and
> restart geronimo.  The only way to avoid this standard "keep the same
> state as on shutdown" behavior is to add the condition to config.xml,
> and you can either do it by hand in pre-2.1 geronimo or with geronimo-
> plugin.xml in g. 2.1

Now, it's more clearer. I had a fuzzy understanding of it and it
seemed I'd needed a short yet concise description how it really
worked. Thanks!


Jacek Laskowski

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