That's wonderful Dale !! Please let me know if you have any other problems. BTW, I've open the following JIRA to fix similar problems.....


DRS2 Usenet wrote:
Tim McConnell wrote:

4. Page down in that section and append your VM arguments at the end -- don't delete those that are already there. I used the same ones that Kevan used, but I'm using Java 1.5 and I see that you're using Java 1.6:

    -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
Please try this and let me know what happens. I think you'll have better results now. Meanwhile, I'm going to open a GEP JIRA to investigate if we can programmatically determine and set the Geronimo server VM arguments using those already established for Eclipse since obviously the default values for the server are not always sufficient. Thanks much.
Thanks Tim, That worked great. I'd been using "run configurations" to make the Geronimo JVM settings... never tried double clicking on the server. I've been able to republish many times without error AND without restarting the server (this is really a NICE feature!).

Tim McConnell wrote:
Hi Dale, just a quick note to tell you that I can now reproduce your failure. Looking for a resolution, and will let you know what I find out.....

DRS2 Usenet wrote:
I had already installed jdk1.6.0_06
I had already installed Geronimo:
I installed a fresh Ganymede:
Added Geronimo 2.1 plugins from within Eclipse.
Then I deployed a web application. The first time, it deploys fine. The second time, I get an out of memory, due to heap space.

The web application may be found here:

1) Download the source code from above, and unzip.
2) copy Struts2InAction.war to
3) Unzip the file to a folder called WebContent and delete
4) Validate that your WebContent has WEB-INF, index.html, etc.
5) In your Eclipse workspace folder, create a folder called Struts2InAction, and move your WebContent folder into it.
6) Start Eclipse
7) Right-click in Project Explorer, New > Project > Web > Dynamic Web Project (next)
8) Project name: Struts2InAction > select Geronimo 2.1 > (next)
9) Leave Context Root and Content Directory, but change Java Source Directory to WebContent/WEB-INF/src > (finish)
10) Right-click your project > Run As > Run On Server
11) Point browser at http://localhost:8080/Struts2InAction <http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld> 12) index.html will say "one moment please" while the jsp compiles, then the menu will come-up. 13) Back in Eclipse, edit (for example) WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml with your MySql login and save the file.
14) Wait for the application to republish itself.

This is where the error occurs:

Deployment failed due to java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I've started Eclipse with -vmargs -Xmx768M and get the same result. Not able to put 1024M in there, for some reason (Eclipse won't even start).


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