Kevan Miller wrote:

On Mar 5, 2009, at 1:20 PM, Aldian_00 wrote:

OK thank you all for the answers. We will consider this wit a lot of
attention. But to be frankly, we have difficulties to see in what Geronimo is better than JBoss and Glassfish that are much mor famous and with a far bigger community. Do you know some interessant points on which Geronimo is
better than its concurrent and that couterblance this?

As far as I know, Geronimo custom assemblies are unique and, in my opinion a very important feature. The ability to build fully-configured servers, rather than servers that require a mixture of deployment, administrative configuration, etc. would seem to be an advantage.

I agree. There's a link in the 'What's New' portlet on site to a short webcast demonstrating how to build custom assemblies. The webcast is for WAS Community Edition but it's equally applicable to Geronimo. Here the direct link to the webcast:

Another advantage is the Licensing and openness of Apache projects. Anyone can join the Geronimo community, and once sufficient karma has been earned, they' can help drive the community in new directions. Glassfish and JBoss will be happy to accept any contributions you might offer. But that's as far as it will go...


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