Thank you for the advice Claudio

I updated the run command to use different io classes

*bin/hadoop jar
* org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner
org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsComputation *
* -eip /simpleEdgeList/SimpleEdgeList.tsv*
*-of *
*-op /outShortestEdgeList01 *
*-w 1*
This code does start a MapReduce job but progress stays at 0%. The log file
for the job has the following IOException error;

*MapAttempt TASK_TYPE="MAP" TASKID="task_201306031954_0002_m_000000"
TASK_ATTEMPT_ID="attempt_201306031954_0002_m_000000_0" TASK_STATUS="FAILED"
FINISH_TIME="1370282492527" HOSTNAME="ubuntu-VirtualBox"
ERROR="java\.lang\.Throwable: Child Error*
* at org\.apache\.hadoop\.mapred\.TaskRunner\.run(TaskRunner\.java:271)*
*Caused by: java\.io\.IOException: Task process exit with nonzero status of
* at org\.apache\.hadoop\.mapred\.TaskRunner\.run(TaskRunner\.java:258)*

So, this leaves 3 questions;
Is the edge list file format correct? (a tab separated file with a .tsv
Is the input class correct?
Is the output class correct?

Thank you,

On 3 June 2013 01:05, Claudio Martella <> wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> shortly, those are abstract classes, that's why you cannot instantiate
> them. You'll have to use a specific class extending those classes that are
> aware of the types of the signature of the vertex (I, V, E, M). check out
> some classes in the format package that have those types in the class name.
> On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Peter Holland <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm new to Giraph and I'm trying to run SimpleShortestPathsComputation
>> using an edge list input file. I have some questions and and error message
>> that hopefully I can get some help with.
>> Edge List File Format
>> What is the correct format for an edge list input file?
>> I have a .tsv file with a vertex represented as an integer. Is this
>> correct?
>> 5 11
>> 1 6
>> 6 9
>> 6 8
>> 8 9
>> .....
>> Input File Class:
>> Is*TextEdgeInputFormat *the only input
>> format that can be used for edge lists?
>> Output File Class:
>> Does the output format depend on the job you are running? I have been
>> using*TextVertexOutputFormat* for
>> SimpleShortestPathsComputation.
>> Run Command:
>> So this is the command I am using to try to run the
>> SimpleShortestPathsComputation using an edge list input file.
>> *bin/hadoop jar
>> /home/ubuntu/giraph/giraph-examples/target/giraph-examples-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-for-hadoop-1.0.2-jar-with-dependencies.jar
>> org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner
>> org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsComputation *
>> *-eif *
>> *-eip /simpleEdgeList/SimpleEdgeList.tsv *
>> *-of *
>> *-op /outShortest*
>> *-w 3*
>> Error Message
>> When I run the above command I get the following error message:
>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: newInstance:
>> Couldn't instantiate
>> Thank you,
>> Peter
> --
>    Claudio Martella

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