On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Philipp Nolte <p...@daslaboratorium.de> wrote:
> I’ve had a look at the assembled giraph-core jar file and it does not contain 
> any GiraphYarnTask. How so?
> Running my application using the GiraphRunner works fine as long as I only
> have one worker (local mode). To use the other workers, I need to start MR
> TaskTrackers on the machines - which aren’t available on hadoop 2.5.1.
> Thats why I need the GiraphYarnTask.

Looks like we're talking past each other. What I am saying is that running
pure MR-based Giraph job on a fully distributed YARNized cluster is perfectly
valid and works fine. You don't *have* to use YARN, even though it is
available on your cluster.


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