Thank you very much Philipp for your kind answer :) In the end I managed to 
compile giraph 1.1 for hadoop 2.6.0 on PURE_YARN profile by removing the 
STATIC_SASL_SYMBOL but when I tried to run the example algorithms the 
computation resulted in an error (a container returned a mysterious “127” error 
code). To be honest, for me Giraph 1.1.0 is not working at all (even when 
building it on the hadoop_2 or hadoop_1 profiles), on Yarn and on MR either; I 
had to rollback to Giraph 1.0.0 on Hadoop 1.2.0 to be able at least to run the 
shortest path example. But that’s off-topic.

I think that this issue could be marked as “resolved” because I was able to 
build it in the end, but I am not sure that the software built is a working jar.

Dott. Alessio Arleo

Dottorando in Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione

Dottore in Ingegneria Informatica ed Elettronica
Dottore Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica e dell’Automazione

Linkedin: <>
Skype: Dr. Alessio Arleo

Tel: +39 075 5853920
Cell: +39 349 0575782

> On 15 Dec 2014, at 02:06, Philipp Nolte <> wrote:
> Might have something to do with this Hadoop issue from hadoop 2.3.0:
> <>
> Quote:
> "SaslRpcServer.SASL_PROPS is removed. 
> Any use of this variable should be replaced with the following code: 
> SaslPropertiesResolver saslPropsResolver = 
> SaslPropertiesResolver.getInstance(conf); 
> Map<String, String> sasl_props = saslPropsResolver.getDefaultProperties();“
> If you want to still compile, compile without the 
> munge symbol.
> To do so, change the following line 1197 of the pom.xml in the giraph parent 
> directory from
> <munge.symbols>PURE_YARN,STATIC_SASL_SYMBOL </munge.symbols>
> to
> <munge.symbols>PURE_YARN</munge.symbols>
> I’ve already handed in a bug report: 
> <>

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