Hi Jose,

I went through the container logs and found that the following error was 
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
This was probably causing the missing chosen workers error.

This happens only when the graph size exceeds more than 50k vertices and 100k 
I enabled out of core messaging, out of core computation and heap size is 8GB 
which is reasonable given that I have 128 GB RAM in every node. 
I tried increasing the number of workers and the number of nodes to 6. Still 
the same result. 
This happens in superstep 2 itself.
Any suggestions?
Sai Ganesh

On Feb 27, 2017, at 10:27 PM, José Luis Larroque <user@giraph.apache.org> wrote:

> Could be a lot of different reasons. Memory problems, algorithm problems, etc.
> I recommend you to focus in reach the logs instead of guessing why the 
> worker's are dying. Maybe you are looking in the wrong place, maybe you can 
> access to them though web ui instead of command line.
> From terminal, doing yarn logs -applicationId "id" doing will b

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