
I am still using Giraph-1.1.0 and I will upgrade soon.
Thanks a lot for your suggestions. This is the exact command I used

hadoop jar myjar.jar org.apache.giraph.GiraphRunner 
MyBetweenness.BetweennessComputation -vif MyBetweenness.VertexDataInputFormat 
-vip /user/$USER/inputbc/wiki-Vote -vof MyBetweenness.VertexDataOutputFormat 
-op /user/$USER/outputBC 1.0 -w 2 -yj myjar.jar -ca 
giraph.useOutOfCoreMessages=true -ca giraph.maxMessagesInMemory=10000 -ca 
giraph.useOutOfCoreGraph=true -ca giraph.waitTaskDoneTimeoutMs=450000 -ca 
giraph.logLevel=debug -ca giraph.isStatic=true

I checked the memory information. After Superstep -1,  Free memory is 907mb, 
Total is 987 mb. 
mapreduce.map.memory.mb is 10240mb.

Sai Ganesh

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