
Is this a completely new Docker install, or have you updated a previously working 1.2.0?

You don't say what the Docker OS is but, where possible, I've generally found it best to do as complete a new installation as possible when upgrading - certainly recompiling various components as needed.

Otherwise if it's a new installation it would pay to check you have set all the auth parameters (NLA etc) exactly as before. The other thing that has had an effect in the past (albeit with different log errors) is in the performance settings for caching. Initially at least I would disable all of those.

On 10/01/21 5:27 am, Mr.Bricolage wrote:
Dear developers

I update Guacamole to version 1.3.0 (Docker). I'm not able to login to
Windows 7 via
RDP. It works well with Version 1.2.0

guacd[7]: INFO: Creating new client for protocol "rdp"
guacd[7]: INFO: Connection ID is "$d6ada323-1a61-4a0a-868c-9b7c9c8ecbcc"
guacd[720]: INFO: Security mode: Negotiate (ANY)
guacd[720]: INFO: Resize method: none
guacd[720]: INFO: User "@2558d680-d2fc-4c79-9362-7e82c82adbc6" joined
connection "$d6ada323-1a61-4a0a-868c-9b7c9c8ecbcc" (1 users now present)
guacd[720]: INFO: Loading keymap "base"
guacd[720]: INFO: Loading keymap "en-us-qwerty"
guacd[720]: INFO: Connected to RDPDR 1.12 as client 0x0001
guacd[7]: INFO: Connection "$d6ada323-1a61-4a0a-868c-9b7c9c8ecbcc" removed.

Windows 7 Log :

Name: System
Source: TermDD
Date: 09.01.2021 15:16:29
Event ID: 56
Level: Error
User: N/A
Computer: User-PC
The Terminal Server security layer detected an error in the protocol stream
and has disconnected the client. Client IP:

I can confirm the connection works well with mstsc or FreeRDP 2.2.0.

Many thanks for your help.

Benny aka Mr. Bricolage

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