On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 7:46 AM Devine, Harry (FAA)
<harry.dev...@faa.gov.invalid> wrote:

> It doesn’t look like guacd.conf is being used in our installation.  I
> tried “/etc/init.d/guacd restart –L”, but /var/log/messages doesn’t look
> any different in what its logging.  Where else should I be adding/looking
> for the debug messages?  Perhaps guacamole.properties?
You can create guacd.conf - it isn't strictly required, just if you want to
change properties like logging.


If you are trying to start guacd with different flags, instead of changing
the config file, you'll likely need to modify the startup script and add it
to the line that actually starts guacd. You can also stop guacd and then
run it manually from the console:
/path/to/guacd -L debug -f

That will start it in debug mode in the foreground, under the current user
account, and output will go to the current console.



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