On Aug 11, 2016 6:44 PM, <alex.kru...@csiro.au> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve recently installed a guacamole based tool to access remote machines.
In comparison to using TurboVNC directly to the same machine, guacamole
seems to perform very poorly (low fps, regular stutters, noticeable delay
between input and feedback)  and on safari some of the colours seem to be
messed up. I’m just wondering is this possibly because I’ve set it up
differently in some way to what it should be or if this is just the nature
of the additional web layer on top of vnc?

Hi Alex,

No, poor performance is definitely not expected, nor should there be any
browser-specific difference in color.

What tool are you referring to?

What version of Guacamole is involved, and how is it deployed? Any proxies?


- Mike

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