On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 7:47 PM, <alex.kru...@csiro.au> wrote:

> Hi Shanon,
> I’m not sure about the version numbers but I cloned guacamole-client and
> guacamole-server directly from https://github.com/glyptodon about a month
> ago so it should be pretty recent.

The latest development will be on the Apache repositories, so definitely
try against those:



A month ago is after the point where Guacamole was accepted into the Apache
Incubator, so there's a good change the code you cloned was actually closer
to ~6 months old.

That said, even that old should be fine ... 0.9.9 happened before that and
was a very decent release, and quite fast.

I should probably clarify that turbovnc runs without issues, it’s only
> guacamole.
Is there anything else you can tell us about your setup?

What does your network look like? What kind of machine is serving
Guacamole? Are you using Tomcat or some other servlet container? Are there
any proxies involved? etc.

You say that you're using a Guacamole-based tool. What differs here between
the tool (what tool?) and a stock Guacamole deployment?

Any additional information about the deployment details of guac would be

- Mike

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