Oh! Forgot to mention that we're using the 0.9.11 version.

2017-03-15 20:07 GMT+01:00 Mehdi Osman <mehdi.os...@acfellows.com>:

> Hi,
> We're having a strange issue with Guacamole upon first connection only.
> Our use case is the following:
> 1) We create a VM in the cloud (Windows or Linux)
> 2) As soon as the VM is available, we insert a new "Connection" into the
> 3) Then, we try to connect
> What happens (in like 3 times out of 5) is that we get the connection
> issue popup asking us to "Reconnect". As soon as we hit the button, we
> connect successfully. Then, once done the first time, we never face the
> issue again.
> The only workaround we found, is by adding a delay between steps 2) 3)
> above. The higher the delay (15s) the less chances we face the issue.
> It's important to note that we use RDP to connect to Ubuntu (with xRDP) or
> Windows VMs.
> Any idea?
> Thanks for your time.


Mehdi Osman
Managing Partner, AC Fellows
m. +33 6 61 38 47 65
e mehdi.os...@acfellows.com

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