​Hey Mike,

We spotted the below lines in Catalina.out:

09:48:09.272 [http-nio-8080-exec-12] INFO
o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService - User "ahmed2" connected to
connection "4016".
09:48:24.277 [Thread-2399] ERROR
o.a.g.w.GuacamoleWebSocketTunnelEndpoint - Connection to guacd
terminated abnormally: Connection to guacd timed out.
09:48:24.277 [Thread-2399] INFO  o.a.g.tunnel.TunnelRequestService -
User "ahmed2" disconnected from connection "4016". Duration: 15005

As soon as we hit the "Reconnect" button, it works right away and we never
face that issue again, as long as the VM is up & running. We're therefore
thinking of removing the delay we added between the time the VM kick starts
and connection action, as it's not predictable.


2017-03-20 18:24 GMT+01:00 Mike Jumper <mike.jum...@guac-dev.org>:

> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 1:57 AM, Mehdi Osman <mehdi.os...@acfellows.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Steve, Kris,
>> We're relying on Google Compute Engine. VMs are much much quicker to
>> launch.
>> On the logs side, there's nothing suspicious. Below is the excerpt when
>> it fails:
>> Mar 20 08:54:23 guac-gtw-tsq1 guacd[1480]: Creating new client for protocol 
>> "rdp"
>> Mar 20 08:54:23 guac-gtw-tsq1 guacd[1480]: Connection ID is 
>> "$9cdb7c0c-9af4-4d74-9c08-3d336cfa9617"
>> Mar 20 08:54:24 guac-gtw-tsq1 guacd[15570]: Security mode: ANY
>> Mar 20 08:54:24 guac-gtw-tsq1 guacd[15570]: Parameter "enable-wallpaper" 
>> must be either "true" or "false". Using default value.
>> Mar 20 08:54:24 guac-gtw-tsq1 guacd[15570]: Resize method: none
>> Mar 20 08:54:24 guac-gtw-tsq1 guacd[15570]: User 
>> "@56e3b092-c223-4ea4-ad6c-331ae1abc888" joined connection 
>> "$9cdb7c0c-9af4-4d74-9c08-3d336cfa9617" (1 users now present)
>> Mar 20 08:54:24 guac-gtw-tsq1 guacd[15570]: Loading keymap "base"
>> Mar 20 08:54:24 guac-gtw-tsq1 guacd[15570]: Loading keymap "en-us-qwerty"
>> Mar 20 08:54:24 guac-gtw-tsq1 guacd[15570]: Failed to load guacdr plugin. 
>> Drive redirection and printing will not work. Sound MAY not work.
>> Mar 20 08:54:24 guac-gtw-tsq1 guacd[15570]: Failed to load guacsnd alongside 
>> guacdr plugin. Sound will not work. Drive redirection and printing MAY not 
>> work.
> Anything else in the logs when this fails?
> Those warnings at the bottom are not fatal errors; they're simply warnings
> that certain functionality is effectively disabled due to
> guacamole-server's plugins for FreeRDP not being installed to a location
> where FreeRDP could find them. The RDP connection should still otherwise
> work fine. If you are ultimately disconnected, there should at least be log
> messages noting that the connection has closed, and hopefully messages
> prior to that indicating what error occurred (if any).
> - Mike


Mehdi Osman
Managing Partner, AC Fellows
m. +33 6 61 38 47 65
e mehdi.os...@acfellows.com

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