
Do you mean you are using GPFS instead of HDFS? Also, if you can share, are you 
deploying it as DAS set up or a SAN?


From: Tom Deutsch []
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 6:31 AM
To: user
Subject: Re: HDFS using SAN

And of source IBM has supported our GPFS and SONAS customers for a couple of 
years already.
Sent from my Blackberry so please excuse typing and spelling errors.


  From: "Kevin O'dell" []
  Sent: 10/17/2012 09:25 AM AST
  Subject: Re: HDFS using SAN

You may want to take a look at the Netapp White Paper on this.  They have a SAN 
solution as their Hadoop offering.
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 7:28 PM, Pamecha, Abhishek 
<<>> wrote:
Yes, for MR, my impression is typically the n/w utilization is next to none 
during map and reduce tasks but jumps during shuffle.  With a SAN, I would 
assume there is no such separation. There will be network activity all over the 
job’s time window with shuffle probably doing more than what it should.

Moreover, I hear typically SANs by default, would split data in different 
physical disks [even w/o RAID], so contiguity is lost. But I have no idea on if 
that is a good thing or bad. Looks bad on the surface, but probably depends on 
how much parallelized data fetches from multiple physical disks can be done by 
a SAN efficiently. Any comments on this aspect?

And yes, when the dataset volume increases and one needs to basically do full 
table scan equivalents, I am assuming the n/w needs to support that entire data 
move from SAN to the data node all in parallel to different mappers.

So what I am gathering is  although storing data over SAN is possible for a 
Hadoop installation, Map-shuffle-reduce may not be the best way to process data 
in that env. Is this conclusion correct?

<3 way Replication and RAID suggestions are great.


From: lohit 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: HDFS using SAN

Adding to this. Locality is very important for MapReduce applications. One 
might not see much of a difference for small MapReduce jobs running on direct 
attached storage vs SAN, but when you cluster grows or you find jobs which are 
heavy on IO, you would see quite a bit of difference. One thing which is 
obviously is also cost difference. Argument for that has been that SAN storage 
is much more reliable so you do not need default of 3 way replication factor 
you would do on direct attached storage.

2012/10/16 Jeffrey Buell <<>>
It will be difficult to make a SAN work well for Hadoop, but not impossible.  I 
have done direct comparisons (but not published them yet).  Direct local 
storage is likely to have much more capacity and more total bandwidth.  But you 
can do pretty well with a SAN if you stuff it with the highest-capacity disks 
and provide an independent 8 gb (FC) or 10 GbE connection for every host.  
Watch out for overall SAN bandwidth limits (which may well be much less than 
the sum of the capacity of the wires connected to it).  There will definitely 
be a hard limit to how many hosts you connect to a single SAN.  Scaling to 
larger clusters will require multiple SANs.

Locality is an issue.  Even though each host has a direct physical access to 
all the data, a “remote” access in HDFS will still have to go over the network 
to the host that owns the data.  “Local” access is fine with the constraints 

RAID is not good for Hadoop performance for both local and SAN storage, so 
you’ll want to configure one LUN for each physical disk in the SAN.  If you do 
have mirroring or RAID on the SAN, you may be tempted to use that to replace 
Hadoop replication.  But while the data is protected, access to the data is 
lost if the datanode goes down.  You can get around that by running the 
datanode in a VM which is stored on the SAN and using VMware HA to 
automatically restart the VM on another host in case of a failure.  Hortonworks 
has demonstrated this use-case but this strategy is a bit bleeding-edge.


From: Pamecha, Abhishek [<>]
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2012 11:28 AM
Subject: HDFS using SAN


I have read scattered documentation across the net which mostly say HDFS 
doesn't go well with SAN being used to store data. While some say, it is an 
emerging trend. I would love to know if there have been any tests performed 
which hint on what aspects does a direct storage excels/falls behind a SAN.

We are investigating whether a direct storage option is better than a SAN 
storage for a modest cluster with data in 100 TBs in steady state. The SAN of 
course can support order of magnitude more of iops we care about for now, but 
given it is a shared infrastructure and we may expand our data size, it may not 
be an advantage in the future.

Another thing I am interested in: for MR jobs, where data locality is the key 
driver, how does that span out when using a SAN instead of direct storage?

And of course on the subjective topics of availability and reliability on using 
a SAN for data storage in HDFS, I would love to receive your views.


Have a Nice Day!

Kevin O'Dell
Customer Operations Engineer, Cloudera

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