Hi Tianyi
Thanks for the reply, that's really help. So i have two further questions:
1.  You said i can customize the number of the slots on AWS, how to do it? i 
know i can do it in the mapred-site.xml if i created the cluster without AWS.2. 
 You mentioned about the EMR node, will the hadoop-ec2 launch-cluster command 
start EMR node or common EC2 instance? Thanks a lot.

Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 16:37:21 +1000
Subject: Re: How does AWS know how many map/reduce slot should be configured to 
each EC2 instance?
From: tianyi....@facilitatedigital.com
To: user@hadoop.apache.org

1. Yes, it's depends on instance type. Generally, number of map slots + number 
of reduce slots = number of ECU, number of map slots / number of reduce slots 
>= 3. You can customize these numbers.
2. Yes, Number of nodes * Running hours * Price per EMR node per hour (EMR node 
is a little bit more expensive than EC2 node)3. Yes, you can find them in admin 

On 19 July 2013 16:23, WangRamon <ramon_w...@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi All
We have a plan to move to Amazon AWS cloud, by doing some research i find that 
i can start the map/reduce cluster in AWS with the following command:% 
bin/hadoop-ec2 launch-cluster test-cluster 2

The command allows me to start a cluster with required nodes(no more than 20, 
correct me if i were wrong), so here comes to my questions:
1. How does AWS know how many map/reduce slot should be configured to each EC2 
instance? Is it depends on the EC2 instance type (m1.large, m1.xlarge...)?
2. How it is charged? Nodes number * price per node per hour ?3. Is each node 
like a single EC2 instance in my admin console? 

Thanks in advance!


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