Hello All,

I'd like to have a piece of advice regarding how my HDFS clients should handle 
the NameNode high availability feature.
I have a complete setup running with ZKFC and I can see one active and one 
standby NameNode. When I kill the active one, the standy gets active and when 
the original one get back online it turns into a standby node, perfect.

However I'm not sure how my client apps should handle this, a couple of ideas:
* Handle the bad HTTP code from standby node to switch to the other one
* Integrate Zookeeper client to query for the current active node
* Hack something like a shared-ip linked to the active node

Then I'll have to handle a switch that may occurs during the execution of a 
client app: should I just crash and rely on the cluster to restart the job.

Thanks in advance,

Best regards from Luxembourg.?

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