This could help you:


On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Brahma Reddy Battula <> wrote:

> 1. Have a list of namenodes, built from configurations.
> 2. Execute the op on each namenode until its success.
> 3. Have the successfull namenode url as active namenode, and use the same
> for next operations.
> 4. Whenever a StandByException or some network exception (other than
> remote exceptions) occurs, then repeat #2 and #3, starting from the next
> namenode url in the list.
> --Brahma Reddy Battula
> *From:* Cecile, Adam []
> *Sent:* 04 May 2016 16:26
> *To:* Sandeep Nemuri
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* RE: NameNode HA from a client perspective
> Hello,
> I'm not sure to understand your answer, may I add a little piece of code:
> *def* *_build_hdfs_url*(self, hdfs_path, hdfs_operation, 
> opt_query_param_tuples*=*[]):
>         """
>         :type hdfs_path: str
>         :type hdfs_operation: str
>         """
>         *if* *not* hdfs_path*.*startswith("/"):
>             *raise* WebHdfsException("The web hdfs path must start with / but 
> found " *+* hdfs_path, None, None)
>         url *=* 'http://' *+* self*.*host *+* ':' *+* str(self*.*port) *+* 
> '/webhdfs/v1' *+* hdfs_path *+* '?' *+* self*.*user *+* '&op=' *+* 
> hdfs_operation
>         len_param *=* len(opt_query_param_tuples)
>         *for* index *in* range(len_param):
>             key_value *=* opt_query_param_tuples[index]
>             url *+=* "&{}={}"*.*format(key_value[0], str(key_value[1]))
>         *return* url
> Here is a plain python standard distribution function extracted from an
> app: the problem here is "", it has to be IP address ou DNS name
> of the NameNode, however I'd like to turn this into something dynamic
> resolving to the current active master.
> Regards, Adam.
> ------------------------------
> *De :* Sandeep Nemuri <>
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 4 mai 2016 09:15
> *À :* Cecile, Adam
> *Cc :*
> *Objet :* Re: NameNode HA from a client perspective
> I think you can simply use the nameservice (dfs.nameservices) which is
> defined in hdfs-site.xml
> The hdfs client should be able to resolve the current active namenode and
> get the necessary information.
> Thanks,
> Sandeep Nemuri
> ᐧ
> On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 12:04 PM, Cecile, Adam <>
> wrote:
> Hello All,
> I'd like to have a piece of advice regarding how my HDFS clients should
> handle the NameNode high availability feature.
> I have a complete setup running with ZKFC and I can see one active and one
> standby NameNode. When I kill the active one, the standy gets active and
> when the original one get back online it turns into a standby node, perfect.
> However I'm not sure how my client apps should handle this, a couple of
> ideas:
> * Handle the bad HTTP code from standby node to switch to the other one
> * Integrate Zookeeper client to query for the current active node
> * Hack something like a shared-ip linked to the active node
> Then I'll have to handle a switch that may occurs during the execution of
> a client app: should I just crash and rely on the cluster to restart the
> job.
> Thanks in advance,
> Best regards from Luxembourg.​
> --
> *  Regards*
> *  Sandeep Nemuri*

*  Regards*
*  Sandeep Nemuri*

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