YARN allocates based on the configuration
(yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb) user has configured. It has allocated
the AM Container of size 1536MB as it can fit in 5120MB Available Node

yarn.nodemanager.pmem-check-enabled will kill the container if the physical
memory usage of the container process is above
1536MB. MR ApplicationMaster for a pi job is light weight and it won't
require that much memory and so not got killed.

On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 4:02 PM . . <writeme...@googlemail.com.invalid>

> Correct:  I set 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' ten times the node
> physical memory (512MB) and I was able to successfully execute a  'pi 1 10'
> mapreduce job.
> Since default 'yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.mb' value is 1536MB I
> expected the job to never start / be allocated and I have no valid
> explanation.
> On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 10:32 PM . . <writeme...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Correct:  I set 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb' ten times the node
>> physical memory (512MB) and I was able to successfully execute a  'pi 1 10'
>> mapreduce job.
>> Since default 'yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.mb' value is 1536MB I
>> expected the job to never start / be allocated and I have no valid
>> explanation.
>> On Wed, Aug 14, 2019 at 8:31 PM Jeff Hubbs <jhubbsl...@att.net> wrote:
>>> To make sure I understand...you've allocated *ten times* your physical
>>> RAM for containers? If so, I think that's your issue.
>>> For reference, under Hadoop 3.x I didn't have a cluster that would
>>> really do anything until its worker nodes had at least 8GiB.
>>> On 8/14/19 12:10 PM, . . wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I installed a basic 3 nodes Hadoop 2.9.1 cluster and playing with YARN
>>> settings.
>>> The 3 nodes has following configuration:
>>> 1 cpu / 1 core?? / 512MB RAM
>>> I wonder I was able to configure yarn-site.xml with following settings
>>> (higher than node physical limits) and successfully run a mapreduce 'pi 1
>>> 10' job
>>> quote...
>>> ?? <property>
>>> ?? ?? ??
>>> <name>yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.class</name><value>org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourcemanager.scheduler.fair.FairScheduler</value>
>>> </property>
>>> ?? ?? <property>
>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? <name>yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb</name>
>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? <value>5120</value>
>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? <description>Amount of physical memory, in MB, that can be
>>> allocated for containers. If set to -1 and
>>> yarn.nodemanager.resource.detect-hardware-capabilities is true, it is
>>> automatically calculated. In other cases, the default is
>>> 8192MB</description>
>>> ?? ?? </property>
>>> ?? ?? <property>
>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? <name>yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores</name>
>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? <value>6</value>
>>> ?? ?? ?? ?? <description>Number of CPU cores that can be allocated for
>>> containers.</description>
>>> ?? ?? </property>
>>> ...unquote
>>> Can anyone provide an explanation please?
>>> Should 'yarn.nodemanager.vmem-check-enabled' and
>>> 'yarn.nodemanager.pmem-check-enabled' properties (set to 'true' as default)
>>> check that my YARN settings are higher than physical limits?
>>> Which mapreduce 'pi' job settings can I use, to 'force' containers to
>>> use more than node physical resources?
>>> Many thanks in advance!
>>> Guido

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