> > Can't we just all get along? :-)
> ...
> So, no, frankly we cannot get along. If this were a passionless technical
> discussion that would not be the case. However, from my perspective, which I
> believe is shared by others on the HBase side, the Cassandra project is run
> by asshats and some of their boosters share that unfortunate trait.

I have an even more unfortunate position than Andy in this. I started out as
perhaps the one administrator who was most qualified to be an Apache
Cassandra proponent. I was the data director at the flagship premier
big-data shop that was to be using this newly open-sourced Apache Cassandra.

When the FUD started flying, I had the unfortunate circumstance to decide:
should I continue to be part of this community that Andy so accurately
portrays as lead by a bunch of asshats, or should I move on to a community
of professionals that care about technology and big data, rather than self
image? I guess in hindsight the decision wasn't so hard.

At this point I'd like to go back to ignoring Cassandra, and hopefully will
> not have occasion to deal with "Cassandra vs. HBase" again for many months.

Hear hear!

Tim Ellis
Data Architect, Riot Games

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