
Jerome has already passed column -> mag.co_societe for rank.

syntax -> RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY mag.co_societe ORDER BY
This will generate a rank for column mag.co_societe based on column value


Its possible you are also hitting the same bug as I mentioned in my email


On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Vijay <> wrote:

> As the error message states: "One ore more arguments are expected," you
> have to pass a column to the rank function.
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 1:12 AM, Jérôme Verdier <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Richa,
>> I have tried a simple query without joins, etc....
>> mag.me_vente_ht),mag.co_societe, mag.me_vente_ht FROM
>> default.thm_renta_rgrp_produits_n_1 mag;
>> Unfortunately, the error is the same like previously.
>> Error: Query returned non-zero code: 40000, cause: FAILED:
>> SemanticException Failed to breakup Windowing invocations into Groups. At
>> least 1 group must only depend on input columns. Also check for circular
>> dependencies.
>> Underlying error:
>> org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDFArgumentTypeException: One or more
>> arguments are expected.
>> SQLState:  42000
>> ErrorCode: 40000
>> 2013/7/17 Richa Sharma <>
>>> Jerome
>>> I would recommend that you try Rank function with columns from just one
>>> table first.
>>> Once it is established that rank is working fine then add all the joins.
>>> I am still on Hive 0.10 so cannot test it myself.
>>> However, I can find a similar issue on following link - so its possible
>>> you are facing issues due to this reported bug.
>>> Richa
>>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:41 PM, Jérôme Verdier <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> You can see my query below :
>>>>             mag.co_magasin,
>>>>             dem.id_produit                                  as
>>>> id_produit_orig,
>>>>             pnvente.dt_debut_commercial                     as
>>>> dt_debut_commercial,
>>>>             COALESCE(pnvente.id_produit,dem.id_produit)     as
>>>> id_produit,
>>>>             RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY mag.co_magasin, dem.id_produit
>>>> ORDER BY pnvente.dt_debut_commercial DESC,
>>>> COALESCE(pnvente.id_produit,dem.id_produit) DESC) as rang
>>>> FROM default.demarque_mag_jour dem
>>>>           LEFT OUTER JOIN default.produit_norm pn
>>>>           ON  pn.co_societe = dem.co_societe
>>>>           AND pn.id_produit = dem.id_produit
>>>>           LEFT OUTER JOIN default.produit_norm pnvente
>>>>           ON  pnvente.co_societe = pn.co_societe
>>>>           AND pnvente.co_produit_rfu = pn.co_produit_lip
>>>>           INNER JOIN default.kpi_magasin mag
>>>>           ON mag.id_magasin = dem.id_magasin
>>>>             mag.co_magasin,
>>>>             dem.id_produit,
>>>>             pnvente.dt_debut_commercial,
>>>>             COALESCE(pnvente.id_produit,dem.id_produit);
>>>> 2013/7/16 Richa Sharma <>
>>>>> Can you share query with just RANK().
>>>>> Richa
>>>>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 6:08 PM, Jérôme Verdier <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Richa,
>>>>>> I tried to execute the rank function alone, but the result is the same
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> 2013/7/16 Richa Sharma <>
>>>>>>> Hi Jerome
>>>>>>> I think the problem is you are trying to use MIN, SUM and RANK
>>>>>>> function in a single query.
>>>>>>> Try to get the rank first in a query and on top of it apply these
>>>>>>> aggregate functions
>>>>>>> Richa
>>>>>>> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 2:15 PM, Jérôme Verdier <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I have a problem while using RANK OVER PARTITION function with Hive.
>>>>>>>> Hive is in version 0.11 and, as we can see here :
>>>>>>>> we can now use these functions in Hive.
>>>>>>>> But, when i use it, i encountered this error :
>>>>>>>> FAILED: SemanticException Failed to breakup Windowing invocations
>>>>>>>> into Groups. At least 1 group must only depend on input columns. Also 
>>>>>>>> check
>>>>>>>> for circular dependencies.
>>>>>>>> Underlying error:
>>>>>>>> org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDFArgumentTypeException: One or more
>>>>>>>> arguments are expected.
>>>>>>>> Here is my script :
>>>>>>>> SELECT
>>>>>>>>             mag.co_magasin,
>>>>>>>>             dem.id_produit                                  as
>>>>>>>> id_produit_orig,
>>>>>>>>             pnvente.dt_debut_commercial                     as
>>>>>>>> dt_debut_commercial,
>>>>>>>>             COALESCE(pnvente.id_produit,dem.id_produit)     as
>>>>>>>> id_produit,
>>>>>>>>             min(
>>>>>>>>               CASE WHEN dem.co_validation IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
>>>>>>>>             )                                               as
>>>>>>>> flg_demarque_valide,
>>>>>>>>             sum(CASE WHEN dem.co_validation IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE
>>>>>>>> CAST(dem.mt_revient_ope AS INT) END)
>>>>>>>>                                                             as
>>>>>>>> me_dem_con_prx_cs,
>>>>>>>>             0                                               as
>>>>>>>> me_dem_inc_prx_cs,
>>>>>>>>             0                                               as
>>>>>>>> me_dem_prov_stk_cs,
>>>>>>>>             sum(CASE WHEN dem.co_validation IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE
>>>>>>>> CAST(dem.qt_demarque AS INT) END)
>>>>>>>>                                                             as
>>>>>>>> qt_dem_con,
>>>>>>>>             0                                               as
>>>>>>>> qt_dem_inc,
>>>>>>>>             0                                               as
>>>>>>>> qt_dem_prov_stk, -- !!!!!!!! VIRGULE
>>>>>>>>             RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY mag.co_magasin,
>>>>>>>> dem.id_produit ORDER BY pnvente.dt_debut_commercial DESC,
>>>>>>>> COALESCE(pnvente.id_produit,dem.id_produit) DESC) as rang
>>>>>>>>           from default.calendrier cal
>>>>>>>>           INNER JOIN default.demarque_mag_jour dem
>>>>>>>>           ON  CASE WHEN dem.co_societe = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END =
>>>>>>>> '${hiveconf:in_co_societe}' -- A modifier
>>>>>>>>           AND dem.dt_jour    = cal.dt_jour
>>>>>>>>           LEFT OUTER JOIN default.produit_norm pn
>>>>>>>>           ON  pn.co_societe = dem.co_societe
>>>>>>>>           AND pn.id_produit = dem.id_produit
>>>>>>>>           LEFT OUTER JOIN default.produit_norm pnvente
>>>>>>>>           ON  pnvente.co_societe = pn.co_societe
>>>>>>>>           AND pnvente.co_produit_rfu = pn.co_produit_lip
>>>>>>>>           AND pnvente.co_type_motif='05'
>>>>>>>>           INNER JOIN default.kpi_magasin mag
>>>>>>>>           ON  mag.co_societe = '${hiveconf:in_co_societe}'
>>>>>>>>           AND mag.id_magasin = dem.id_magasin
>>>>>>>>           WHERE cal.dt_jour = '${hiveconf:in_dt_jour}'
>>>>>>>>           AND NOT (dem.co_validation IS NULL AND cal.dt_jour >
>>>>>>>> unix_timestamp()-3*60*60*24) -- A verifier
>>>>>>>>           -- JYP 4.4
>>>>>>>>           AND dem.co_operation_magasin IN ('13','14','32')
>>>>>>>>           GROUP BY
>>>>>>>>             mag.co_magasin,
>>>>>>>>             dem.id_produit,
>>>>>>>>             pnvente.dt_debut_commercial,
>>>>>>>>             COALESCE(pnvente.id_produit,dem.id_produit)
>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> *Jérôme VERDIER*
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Jérôme VERDIER*
>>>> --
>>>> *Jérôme VERDIER*
>> --
>> *Jérôme VERDIER*

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