Thanks v much Ricky.  Is this fixed in hive 0.11 - or going to be later
i.e. 0.12?

2013/8/20 Ricky Saltzer <>

> Although this is already fixed in the next and upcoming impala release,
> you might want to be aware of the following view limitation.
> On Aug 20, 2013 7:16 PM, "Stephen Boesch" <> wrote:
>> Views should theoretically not incur performance penalties: they simply
>> represent queries. Are there situtions that things are "not that simple" -
>> i.e. views may actually result in different exeucution plans than the
>> underlying sql?
>> Additionally, are there views-related bugs that we should be aware of
>> that would limit the occasions that we could use them?
>> Thanks for the pointers.

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