Hi Loic,

One possible solution is if hive.server2.enable.doAs is set false in
hive-site.xml, you can change it to true and restart HiveServer2. And then
try to connect via beeline.


On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 8:02 AM, Loïc Chanel <loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net>

> Hi guys !
> Sorry to interrupt but I need to go back to the first reason of this
> thread : I can't connect to hive anymore.
> I upgraded my cluster to HDP 2.3, and I saw that the way to connect to
> Hive via Beeline & Kerberos hasn't changed, but the exact command that
> worked before doesn't work anymore.
> Instead of connecting, Beeline returns me :
> Error: Failed to open new session: java.lang.RuntimeException:
> java.lang.RuntimeException:
> org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException):
> User: hive/hiveserverh...@example.com is not allowed to impersonate
> testUser (state=,code=0)
> The logs are not more explicit, as there is an exception with the same
> conclusion : Caused by:
> org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException):
> User: hive/hiveserverh...@example.com is not allowed to impersonate
> testUser
> Do any of you have an idea about where this could come from ?
> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
> 2015-08-31 13:51 GMT+02:00 Lars Francke <lars.fran...@gmail.com>:
>> That said, +1 to adding a check that we are using kerberos and skipping
>>> the prompt if we are. I think we probably don't even need to parse the URL
>>> to detect that. Just checking on the auth type property(
>>> hive.server2.authentication) is KERBEROS or not should do the trick.
>> I have not looked into this at all but Beeline being a generic client
>> does it even use that property? I mean I could connect to any server,
>> right? Will try to take a look.
>>> [1]
>>> https://github.com/apache/hive/blob/3991dba30c5068cac296f32e24e97cf87efa266c/jdbc/src/java/org/apache/hive/jdbc/HiveConnection.java#L450-L455
>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 5:40 PM, Lars Francke <lars.fran...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 4:53 PM, kulkarni.swar...@gmail.com <
>>>> kulkarni.swar...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> > my understanding is that after using kerberos authentication, you
>>>>> probably don’t need the password.
>>>>> That is not an accurate statement. Beeline is a JDBC client as
>>>>> compared to Hive CLI which is a thrift client to talk to HIveServer2. So 
>>>>> it
>>>>> would need the password to establish that JDBC connection. If you look at
>>>>> the beeline console code[1], it actually first tries to read the
>>>>> "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName" and
>>>>> "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword" property which is the same username
>>>>> and password that you have setup your backing metastore DB with. If it is
>>>>> MySWL, it would be the password you set MySQL with or empty if you
>>>>> haven't(or are using derby). Kerberos is merely a tool for you to
>>>>> authenticate yourself so that you cannot impersonate yourself as someone
>>>>> else.
>>>> I don't think what you're saying is accurate.
>>>> 1) Hive CLI does not talk to HiveServer2
>>>> 2) Beeline talks to HiveServer2 and needs some way to authenticate
>>>> itself depending on the configuration of HS2.
>>>> HS2 can be configured to authenticate in one of these ways if I'm up to
>>>> date:
>>>> * NOSASL: no password needed
>>>> * KERBEROS (SASL): no password needed
>>>> * NONE (SASL) using the AnonymousAuthenticationProviderImpl: no
>>>> password needed
>>>> * LDAP (SASL) using the LdapAuthenticationProviderImpl: username and
>>>> password required
>>>> * PAM (SASL) using the PamAuthenticationProviderImpl: username and
>>>> password required
>>>> * CUSTOM (SASL) using the CustomAuthenticationProviderImpl: username
>>>> and password required
>>>> By tar the most common configurations are NONE (default I think) and
>>>> KERBEROS. Both don't need a username and password provided so it does not
>>>> make sense to ask for one every time.
>>>> The only good reason I can think of to ask for a password is so that it
>>>> doesn't appear in a shell/beeline history and/or on screen. I'm sure there
>>>> are others?
>>>> The username can be safely provided in the URL if needed so I don't
>>>> think asking for that every time is reasonable either.
>>>> What would be a good way to deal with this? I'm tempted to just rip out
>>>> those prompts. The other option would be to parse the connection URL and
>>>> check whether it's the Kerberos mode.
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> https://github.com/apache/hive/blob/3991dba30c5068cac296f32e24e97cf87efa266c/beeline/src/java/org/apache/hive/beeline/Commands.java#L1117-L1125
>>>>> On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 10:13 AM, Loïc Chanel <
>>>>> loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Here it is : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-11653
>>>>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>>>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>>>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>>>>>> 2015-08-25 23:10 GMT+02:00 Sergey Shelukhin <ser...@hortonworks.com>:
>>>>>>> Sure!
>>>>>>> From: Loïc Chanel <loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net>
>>>>>>> Reply-To: "user@hive.apache.org" <user@hive.apache.org>
>>>>>>> Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2015 at 00:23
>>>>>>> To: "user@hive.apache.org" <user@hive.apache.org>
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: HiveServer2 & Kerberos
>>>>>>> It is the case.
>>>>>>> Would you like me to fill a JIRA about it ?
>>>>>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>>>>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>>>>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>>>>>>> 2015-08-24 19:24 GMT+02:00 Sergey Shelukhin <ser...@hortonworks.com>
>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>> If that is the case it sounds like a bug…
>>>>>>>> From: Jary Du <jary...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> Reply-To: "user@hive.apache.org" <user@hive.apache.org>
>>>>>>>> Date: Thursday, August 20, 2015 at 08:56
>>>>>>>> To: "user@hive.apache.org" <user@hive.apache.org>
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: HiveServer2 & Kerberos
>>>>>>>> My understanding is that it will always ask you user/password even
>>>>>>>> though you don’t need them. It is just the way how hive is setup.
>>>>>>>> On Aug 20, 2015, at 8:28 AM, Loïc Chanel <
>>>>>>>> loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> !connect jdbc:hive2://
>>>>>>>> org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
>>>>>>>> scan complete in 13ms
>>>>>>>> Connecting to jdbc:hive2://
>>>>>>>> Enter password for jdbc:hive2://
>>>>>>>> And if I press enter everything works perfectly, because I am using
>>>>>>>> Kerberos authentication, that's actually why I was asking what is Hive
>>>>>>>> asking for, because in my case, it seems that I shouldn't be asked for 
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> password when connecting.
>>>>>>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>>>>>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>>>>>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>>>>>>>> 2015-08-20 17:06 GMT+02:00 Jary Du <jary...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>> How does Beeline ask you? What happens if you just press enter?
>>>>>>>>> On Aug 20, 2015, at 12:15 AM, Loïc Chanel <
>>>>>>>>> loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Indeed, I don't need the password, but why is Beeline asking me
>>>>>>>>> for one ? To what does it correspond ?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>>>>>> Loïc
>>>>>>>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>>>>>>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>>>>>>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-19 18:22 GMT+02:00 Jary Du <jary...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>> Correct me if I am wrong, my understanding is that after using
>>>>>>>>>> kerberos authentication, you probably don’t need the password.
>>>>>>>>>> Hope it helps
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Jary
>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 19, 2015, at 9:09 AM, Loïc Chanel <
>>>>>>>>>> loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> By the way, thanks a lot for your help, because your solution
>>>>>>>>>> works, but I'm still interested in knowing what is the password I 
>>>>>>>>>> did not
>>>>>>>>>> enter.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks again,
>>>>>>>>>> Loïc
>>>>>>>>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>>>>>>>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>>>>>>>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-19 18:07 GMT+02:00 Loïc Chanel <
>>>>>>>>>> loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net>:
>>>>>>>>>>> All right, but then, what is the password hive asks for ? Hive's
>>>>>>>>>>> one ? How do I know its value ?
>>>>>>>>>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>>>>>>>>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>>>>>>>>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-19 17:51 GMT+02:00 Jary Du <jary...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> For Beeline connection string, it should be "!connect
>>>>>>>>>>>> jdbc:hive2://<host>:<port>/<db>;principal=<Server_Principal_of_HiveServer2>”.
>>>>>>>>>>>>  Please
>>>>>>>>>>>> make sure it is the hive’s principal, not the user’s. And when you 
>>>>>>>>>>>> kinit,
>>>>>>>>>>>> it should be kinit user’s keytab, not the hive’s keytab.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 19, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Loïc Chanel <
>>>>>>>>>>>> loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah, I forgot to mention it, but each time I did a kinit
>>>>>>>>>>>> user/hive before launching beeline, as I read somewhere that 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Beeline does
>>>>>>>>>>>> not handle Kerberos connection.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So, as I can make klist before launching beeline and having a
>>>>>>>>>>>> good result, the problem does not come from this. Thanks a lot for 
>>>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>>>> response though.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you have another idea ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>>>>>>>>>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>>>>>>>>>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-19 17:42 GMT+02:00 Jary Du <jary...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "The Beeline client must have a valid Kerberos ticket in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ticket cache before attempting to connect." (
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://docs.hortonworks.com/HDPDocuments/HDP2/HDP-2.1.3/bk_dataintegration/content/ch_using-hive-clients-examples.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>> )
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So you need kinit first to have the valid Kerberos ticket int
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the ticket cache before using beeline to connect to HS2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jary
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Aug 19, 2015, at 8:36 AM, Loïc Chanel <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I searched another way to make some requests with Kerberos
>>>>>>>>>>>>> enabled for security on HiveServer, I found that this request 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> should do the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> same :
>>>>>>>>>>>>> !connect jdbc:hive2://
>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But now I've got another error :
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> jdbc:hive2://
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Peer indicated failure: GSS initiate failed (state=08S01,code=0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I saw that it was maybe a simple Kerberos ticket related
>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem, I tried to re-generate Kerberos keytabs, and to ensure 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that Hive
>>>>>>>>>>>>> has the path to access to its keytab, but nothing changed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone has an idea about how to solve this issue ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance for your help :)
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Loïc
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-19 12:01 GMT+02:00 Loïc Chanel <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> loic.cha...@telecomnancy.net>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a little issue with HiveServer2 since I have enabled
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kerberos. I'm unable to connect to the service via Beeline. When 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !connect jdbc:hive2:// hive hive
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> org.apache.hive.jdbc.HiveDriver
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I keep receiving the same error :
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error: Could not open client transport with JDBC Uri:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> jdbc:hive2:// Peer indicated failure:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Unsupported mechanism type PLAIN (state=08S01,code=0)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does anyone had the same problem ? Or know how to solve it ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Loïc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Loïc CHANEL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Engineering student at TELECOM Nancy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Trainee at Worldline - Villeurbanne
>>>>> --
>>>>> Swarnim
>>> --
>>> Swarnim

Takahiko Saito

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