Hi Ivan,

1. Need more time for experiments... 
3. Yes, logs are full. I started every node with this command:
$IGNITE_HOME/bin/ignite.sh -v -J"-Xms10g -Xmx10g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=4g"
2>&1 | tee
I thought ver=72 because I did 72 attempts))
I don't know how to reset this counter. I stop ignite nodes Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Z
(then kill PID) or in Visor kill -k.
Look, there is no Ignite process, but now ver=109:
*[ignite@dev-dn1 ~]$ ps -ef | grep ignite*
ignite    6796 21325  0 15:04 pts/5    00:00:00 ps -ef
ignite    6797 21325  0 15:04 pts/5    00:00:00 grep ignite
root     21324 21290  0 May02 pts/5    00:00:00 su - ignite
ignite   21325 21324  0 May02 pts/5    00:00:00 -bash
root     27287 17525  0 May02 pts/1    00:00:00 su - ignite
ignite   27288 27287  0 May02 pts/1    00:00:00 -bash
*[ignite@dev-dn1 ~]$ $IGNITE_HOME/bin/ignite.sh -v -J"-Xms10g -Xmx10g
-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=4g" 2>&1 | tee
Ignite Command Line Startup, ver. 1.9.0#20170302-sha1:a8169d0a
2017 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation

[15:04:08,630][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] 

>>>    __________  ________________  
>>>   /  _/ ___/ |/ /  _/_  __/ __/  
>>>  _/ // (7 7    // /  / / / _/    
>>> /___/\___/_/|_/___/ /_/ /___/   
>>> ver. 1.9.0#20170302-sha1:a8169d0a
>>> 2017 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
>>> Ignite documentation: http://ignite.apache.org

[15:04:08,630][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] Config URL:
[15:04:08,630][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] Daemon mode: off
[15:04:08,631][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] OS: Linux 2.6.32-696.el6.x86_64
[15:04:08,631][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] OS user: ignite
[15:04:08,631][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] PID: 6891
[15:04:08,631][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] Language runtime: Java Platform
API Specification ver. 1.8
[15:04:08,631][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] VM information: Java(TM) SE
Runtime Environment 1.8.0_101-b13 Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit
Server VM 25.101-b13
[15:04:08,633][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] VM total memory: 9.6GB
[15:04:08,633][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] Remote Management [restart: on,
REST: on, JMX (remote: on, port: 49199, auth: off, ssl: off)]
[15:04:08,633][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal]
[15:04:08,633][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] VM arguments: [-Xms1g, -Xmx1g,
-XX:+AggressiveOpts, -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m,
-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote, -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=49199,
-Xms10g, -Xmx10g, -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=4g]
[15:04:08,634][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] Configured caches
['ignite-marshaller-sys-cache', 'ignite-sys-cache',
'ignite-hadoop-mr-sys-cache', 'ignite-atomics-sys-cache', 'igfs-meta',
[15:04:08,638][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] 3-rd party licenses can be found
at: /home/ignite/apache-ignite-hadoop-1.9.0-bin/libs/licenses
[15:04:08,725][INFO ][main][IgnitePluginProcessor] Configured plugins:
[15:04:08,725][INFO ][main][IgnitePluginProcessor]   ^-- None
[15:04:08,725][INFO ][main][IgnitePluginProcessor] 
[15:04:08,786][INFO ][main][TcpCommunicationSpi] Successfully bound
communication NIO server to TCP port [port=47100, locHost=,
selectorsCnt=4, selectorSpins=0, pairedConn=false]
[15:04:08,790][WARN ][main][TcpCommunicationSpi] Message queue limit is set
to 0 which may lead to potential OOMEs when running cache operations in
FULL_ASYNC or PRIMARY_SYNC modes due to message queues growth on sender and
receiver sides.
[15:04:08,810][WARN ][main][NoopCheckpointSpi] Checkpoints are disabled (to
enable configure any GridCheckpointSpi implementation)
[15:04:08,842][WARN ][main][GridCollisionManager] Collision resolution is
disabled (all jobs will be activated upon arrival).
[15:04:08,846][WARN ][main][NoopSwapSpaceSpi] Swap space is disabled. To
enable use FileSwapSpaceSpi.
[15:04:08,847][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] Security status
[authentication=off, tls/ssl=off]
[15:04:09,292][INFO ][main][GridTcpRestProtocol] Command protocol
successfully started [name=TCP binary, host=, port=11211]
[15:04:09,718][INFO ][main][IpcServerTcpEndpoint] IPC server loopback
endpoint started [port=10500]
[15:04:09,720][INFO ][main][IpcServerTcpEndpoint] IPC server loopback
endpoint started [port=11400]
[15:04:09,729][INFO ][main][HadoopProcessor] HADOOP_HOME is set to
[15:04:09,730][INFO ][main][HadoopProcessor] Resolved Hadoop classpath
locations: /usr/hdp/, /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-hdfs-client/,
[15:04:09,756][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] Non-loopback local IPs:, fe80:0:0:0:21c:c4ff:fe5b:663c%bond0
[15:04:09,756][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] Enabled local MACs: 001CC45B663C
[15:04:09,802][INFO ][main][TcpDiscoverySpi] Successfully bound to TCP port
[port=47500, localHost=,
[15:04:10,387][INFO ][main][GridCacheProcessor] Started cache
[name=igfs-data, mode=PARTITIONED]
[15:04:10,406][INFO ][main][GridCacheProcessor] Started cache
[name=ignite-hadoop-mr-sys-cache, mode=REPLICATED]
[15:04:10,408][INFO ][main][GridCacheProcessor] Started cache
[name=ignite-sys-cache, mode=REPLICATED]
[15:04:10,410][INFO ][main][GridCacheProcessor] Started cache
[name=ignite-atomics-sys-cache, mode=PARTITIONED]
[15:04:10,414][INFO ][main][GridCacheProcessor] Started cache
[name=igfs-meta, mode=REPLICATED]
[15:04:10,438][INFO ][main][GridCacheProcessor] Started cache
[name=ignite-marshaller-sys-cache, mode=REPLICATED]
][exchange-worker-#33%null%][GridCachePartitionExchangeManager] Skipping
rebalancing (nothing scheduled) [top=AffinityTopologyVersion [topVer=109,
minorTopVer=0], evt=NODE_JOINED, node=65d7c352-5a5c-44c2-a4ac-852e98abb46a]
[15:04:10,667][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] Performance suggestions for grid 
(fix if possible)
[15:04:10,667][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] To disable, set
[15:04:10,668][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal]   ^-- Enable G1 Garbage Collector
(add '-XX:+UseG1GC' to JVM options)
[15:04:10,668][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal]   ^-- Set max direct memory size
if getting 'OOME: Direct buffer memory' (add
'-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=<size>[g|G|m|M|k|K]' to JVM options)
[15:04:10,668][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal]   ^-- Disable processing of calls
to System.gc() (add '-XX:+DisableExplicitGC' to JVM options)
[15:04:10,668][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal]   ^-- Speed up flushing of dirty
pages by OS (alter vm.dirty_expire_centisecs parameter by setting to 500)
[15:04:10,668][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal]   ^-- Reduce pages swapping ratio
(set vm.swappiness=10)
[15:04:10,668][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal]   ^-- Avoid direct reclaim and
page allocation failures (set vm.extra_free_kbytes=1240000)
[15:04:10,668][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] Refer to this page for more
performance suggestions:
[15:04:10,668][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] 
[15:04:10,668][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] To start Console Management &
Monitoring run ignitevisorcmd.{sh|bat}
[15:04:10,669][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] 
[15:04:10,669][INFO ][main][IgniteKernal] 

>>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> Ignite ver. 1.9.0#20170302-sha1:a8169d0ac448b8f19b8cdc51ee6f339ee6864c29
>>> +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> OS name: Linux 2.6.32-696.el6.x86_64 amd64
>>> CPU(s): 8
>>> Heap: 10.0GB
>>> VM name: 6...@dev-dn1.co.vectis.local
>>> Local node [ID=65D7C352-5A5C-44C2-A4AC-852E98ABB46A, order=109,
>>> clientMode=false]
>>> Local node addresses: [dev-dn1.co.vectis.local/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo,
>>> /, /]
>>> Local ports: TCP:10500 TCP:11211 TCP:11400 TCP:47100 TCP:47500 

[15:04:10,671][INFO ][main][GridDiscoveryManager] Topology snapshot
[*ver=109*, servers=1, clients=0, CPUs=8, heap=10.0GB]
[15:04:20,047][INFO ][ignite-update-notifier-timer][GridUpdateNotifier] Your
version is up to date.
[15:05:10,669][INFO ][grid-timeout-worker-#15%null%][IgniteKernal] 
Metrics for local node (to disable set 'metricsLogFrequency' to 0)
    ^-- Node [id=65d7c352, name=null, uptime=00:01:00:009]
    ^-- H/N/C [hosts=1, nodes=1, CPUs=8]
    ^-- CPU [cur=0.1%, avg=0.64%, GC=0%]
    ^-- Heap [used=631MB, free=93.57%, comm=9813MB]
    ^-- Non heap [used=49MB, free=99.08%, comm=50MB]
    ^-- Public thread pool [active=0, idle=0, qSize=0]
    ^-- System thread pool [active=0, idle=6, qSize=0]
    ^-- Outbound messages queue [size=0]

4. Evgeniy said (I found it in email):
        Alena, i think you can`t obtain any significant results here, look tez 
        takes all data into memory and runs DAGs with no flush to disk, using 
        here you simply append additional memory burden here. TEZ standalone is 
        good enough.
        Ivan, does Ignite have some tests in case of TEZ usage ?

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