
That’s right, Ignite nodes restart “cold” meaning that they become operational 
without the data in the RAM.
It allows to restart as quickly as possible, but the price is that the first 
operations have to load data from the disk, meaning that the performance will 
be much lower.

Here is a ticket to allow turn on a “hot restart” mode - 
There is also an improvement that allows to manually load data of a specific 
partition in an efficient way - 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-8873. If you iterate over all 
partitions after the node start it may shorten the warmup period.


From: Glenn Wiebe
Sent: 8 января 2019 г. 18:02
To: user@ignite.apache.org
Subject: Re: Ignite 2.7 Persistence

I am new to Ignite, but as I understand it, after cluster restart, data is 
re-hydrated into memory as the nodes receive requests for their partitions' 
entries. So, a first query would be as slow as a distributed disk-based query. 
Subsequent queries should have some (depending on memory available) information 
in memory and thus faster. 

So, my question, is this the first query execution since startup?
Given that you have sufficient memory to hold this particular cache, I would 
expect subsequent query executions to take advantage of memory resident query 

Additionally I have done a quick look (but could not find) at whether Ignite 
caches in memory store aggregates (like counts) which may be able to be 
returned without reading actual data as here.

Good luck!

On Tue, Jan 8, 2019 at 7:55 AM gweiske <gwei...@eagleinvsys.com> wrote:
I am using Ignite 2.7 with persistence enabled on a single VM with 128 GB RAM
in Azure and separate external HDD drives each for wal, walarchive and
storage. I loaded 20 GB of data/50,000,000 rows, then shut down Ignite and
restarted the hosting VM, started and activated Ignite and ran a simple
that requires sorting through all the data (SELECT DISTINCT <column> FROM 
;). The query has been running for hours now. Looking at the memory, instead
of the expected ~42 GB it is currently at 5.7GB (*slowly* increasing). Any
ideas why it might be that slow? 
The same scenario with SSD drives (this time 1 drive for wal and walarchive,
a second one for storage) finishes in about 5500 seconds (still slow).

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