Hi Viktor,

It looks like you're running 3 server nodes on the same physical machine,
right? How do you run Cassandra benchmarks? Do you use the same 2 machines?
How many Cassandra instances do you have?

Also, how much memory do you have on this machine?

Best Regards,

ср, 27 нояб. 2019 г. в 10:29, Denis Magda <dma...@apache.org>:

> Hello Viktor,
> The benchmarks you're referring to are real and list all the configuration
> parameters as well as the source code. No cheating.
> The first catchy difference between your and those benchmarks is that
> you're using TRANSACTIONAL mode for Ignite. This involves a 2-phase-commit
> protocol making TRANSACTIONAL gets slower than ATOMIC gets. Plus, if there
> is a chance your benchmark queries similar keys in parallel then some of
> the Threads will be blocked until the locked keys are released. So, check
> for ATOMIC caches or, to make benchmark fair, use lightweight transactions
> of Cassandra.
> Also, I would look into the following areas:
>    - Share your Cassandra and Ignite configurations and the source code
>    for further analysis. Please also share your Ignite version.
>    - Ensure GC, JVM and OS are fine-tuned and don't affect the
>    performance:
> https://www.gridgain.com/docs/latest/perf-troubleshooting-guide/memory-tuning#java-heap-and-gc-tuning
>    - Collect GC logs and use Flight Recorder for both the client and
>    servers if the performance doesn't improve (it might be even a network
>    latency):
> https://www.gridgain.com/docs/latest/perf-troubleshooting-guide/troubleshooting#debugging-gc-issues
>    - Once the 3 servers cluster is fully optimized you might need to
>    scale to 4 or 5 to achieve 500k+ queries.
> -
> Denis
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2019 at 3:00 PM Victor <vicky...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It's 500k unique gets, spread across multiple threads. Max i tried with 30
>> threads.
>> I cant use getAll for this usecase, since it is user driven and the user
>> will load one record at a time. In any case i expected event the single
>> gets
>> to be pretty fast as well. Given the benchmark reference -
>> https://www.gridgain.com/resources/blog/apacher-ignitetm-and-apacher-cassandratm-benchmarks-power-in-memory-computing
>> There too the code seems to be using a single get. But the throughput is
>> massive for 32 threads its about 120k. So now i am not sure if the numbers
>> listed are accurate or was the test done in a controlled setting with
>> additional configurations.
>> --
>> Sent from: http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/

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