I see - am I dealing with 1.) in my case?
When I hover over the method LoadCache(Action<int, Associate>, params
object[] args)  in Visual Studio, it says that *"...This method is called
params object[]) method is invoked which is usually to preload the cache
from persistent storage"*.
>From the  .NET docs
, it says that for LocalLoadCache(ICacheEntryFilter<TK, TV>, Object[]), the
loaded values will then be given to the optionally passed in predicate, and,
if the predicate returns true, will be stored in cache. If predicate is
null, then all loaded values will be stored in cache. 
In my case, I call cache.LocalLoadCache(null) in  Program.cs
<http://apache-ignite-users.70518.x6.nabble.com/file/t3023/Program.cs>  ,
where it then calls on LoadCache(Action<int, Associate> act, params object[]
args) in  OracleStore.cs
and the Associate IDs are being printed to console. 
However, when I try to print the cache size in console, it returns 0 - does
this mean that the values are not being stored in cache?
Do I need to do something else to make sure the values are loaded into
cache? I thought that LocalLoadCache would just put all the values queried
from the underlying storage into cache.

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