Sorry for typo in last thread point 5, I meant to type "the ones which
moves segments from WAL to WAL Archive"

On Fri, 22 Apr 2022, 17:13 Surinder Mehra, <> wrote:

> Ok thanks for clarifying. O have follow up queries
> 1. Wal has only 10 segments and default checkpoint frequency is 3 minutes
> What if application writes fill up all 10 segments before next checkpoint
> interval, would it trigger another checkpoint followed by moving of segments
> 2. Does it always move segments to archive after checkpoint? What if
> checkpoint is taking time and no space left in WAL. i.e. wal reached its
> max size(10*segmentsize)
> 3. If point 2 is true, why do we need walarchive. Since data has been
> flushed to disk with checkpoint. And any data not checkpointed is present
> in WAL, why do we need archive directory.
> 4. I have seen WAL size fixed(10G with segment size as 1G) to max size and
> WAL archive increases to 60GB. Does it mean cleaner thread wasn't frequent
> enough?
> 5. Are cleaner threads and the ones which love segments have any relation
> to checkpoint process or performance impact. If so, are they tunable by
> user ?
> On Fri, 22 Apr 2022, 16:52 ткаленко кирилл, <> wrote:
>> Cleaning takes place in a separate thread.
>> Transfer of segments occurs in a separate thread after the checkpoint.

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